[Swift-user] SWIFT Generates "incompatible" PBS scripts
chen sui
baiypwup at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 2 17:57:00 CDT 2014
Hello SWIFT,
I found a solution to the problem. It seems to be working for me in this specific situation so far.
The solution is to comment out lines 242 through 253 in file "cog/modules/provider-localscheduler/src/org/globus/cog/abstraction/impl/scheduler/pbs/PBSExecutor.java" and recompile the JAR file "cog-provider-localscheduler-0.4.jar".
After this change, PBSExecutor would no longer insert the starred lines and it now works on the cluster I'm using
Hope this may be useful for people who encounter the same issue.
Thanks!Tommy Chen
From: baiypwup at hotmail.com
To: swift-user at ci.uchicago.edu
Subject: SWIFT Generates "incompatible" PBS scripts
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2014 01:28:39 +0800
Hello SWIFT,I have been using SWIFT on two different clusters, it has always been running flawlessly on one of the clusters, but it fails on the second one.
I think I have narrowed down the cause of the problem;
When I have these lines (the 2 lines with stars in the following example) in a generated PBS script,
[begin example]
#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -N B0402-0012360-0
#PBS -m n
[end example]
The last two lines is causing the PBS to be incompatible with one of the clusters I'm using. When I submit such a script, I get the following error.
[begin Console output]
[cs900601 at eric2 scripts]$ qsub PBS4684660157119642383.submit
** Job deleted, insufficient hours (0 < 96) left in allocation null **
[end Console output]
Clearly, for some reason the qsub on this cluster has "forgotten" every "#PBS" directive prior to the "export" line.
The reason seems to be
1) the cluster I'm using does not support the "-v" switch.
2) Does not accept PBS script whose "#PBS" lines have been "interrupted" by an non PBS directive (the "export" above).
That means, if I am able to make Swift remove the 2 lines during script generation the problem would go away.
So my question is, is it possible to do this through Swift configurations?
I have searched the configuration files but not seem to find a way to do it. The generated script says in the 1st line it's generated by a Java class "by class: class org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.scheduler.pbs.PBSExecutor".
Is there a way to check out the source of that "PBSExecutor" class to see what is adding these two lines with asterisks in the generated script and disable it?
Thanks!Tommy Chen
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