[Swift-user] Question about output files

Lorenzo Pesce lpesce at uchicago.edu
Fri Mar 23 19:30:12 CDT 2012

Hi --

I am writing a script to run a parameter sweep on Beagle (Cray XE6).

I am interested in the output files they write, but somehow I seem to be unable to locate them. The calculations seem to proceed fine according to the log files (stdout), but I can't find the mat files that should contain the actual results.
The should be files like this one result_neuron_##_ht_##.mat

This is the script. Thanks a lot!

// file to run the Margic square example from the matlab web site
type file;

string MCRPath = "/soft/matlab/7.13";
string spikefile = "X.mat";

app (file outdata) demoreal (string mcr, int chn, int ht, string datafile)
  runDemoReal mcr chn ht datafile stdout=@outdata;

int ht[] = [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24];

file LogDemoReal[] <simple_mapper; prefix="demo_real",suffix=".log">;

foreach s, i in ht {
  int chn=1;
  LogDemoReal[s] = demoreal (MCRPath, chn, s, spikefile);

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