[Swift-user] Status of Swift on Ranger?

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Oct 21 12:10:56 CDT 2010

Hi Sarah,

Glen Hocky would like to start using Ranger for Swift science runs.

Can you send us a brief update on what you see is the status of Swift on Ranger? I.e, what approach works best, and what problems if any to avoid?

Do you depend on Swift fixes at a specific revision level of trunk?

Do you submit to Ranger using coasters from a HNL submit host? From communicado?

What sites file and coaster parameters? (I assume these are on the HNL wiki - can you send a pointer to Glen?)

What job-sizing recomendations would you make?

Have you tried getting coasters to create job-size-spreads on Ranger?



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