[Swift-user] mapping variables on the fly

Allan Espinosa aespinosa at cs.uchicago.edu
Thu Mar 25 15:28:49 CDT 2010

When my rups array contains more than one element, my script doesn't
seem to progress in executing.  the workdirectory for the extract()
job isn't even being prepared. My logfile says something like
"variable already closed".  its attached in this email.

below is the script, i swapped the "main" part of the program with the
type and app() declarations
/* TODO: data management zip jobs */
int run_id = 644;
Station site = get_site(run_id);

Sgt sgt_var <ext; exec="getsgtvar.rb", r=run_id, s=site.name,

Rupture rups[] = get_ruptures(run_id);

foreach rup in rups {
  string datadir =
  string loc_sub = @strcat(datadir, ",", rup.index, "/", rup.source);
  Sgt sub <ext; exec="getsub.rb", l=loc_sub, n=site.name, s=rup.source,
  Variation vars[] <ext; exec="variation_mapper.rb", e=site.erf,
      v=site.variation_scenario, s=rup.source, r=rup.index>;

  sub = extract(sgt_var,  site, vars[rup.size-1]);

  foreach var,i in vars {
    Seismogram seis <single_file_mapper; file=@strcat(loc_sub, "/Seismogram_",
        site.name, "_", rup.source, "_", rup.index, "_", i,".grm")>;
    PeakValue peak <single_file_mapper; file=@strcat(loc_sub, "/PeakVals_",
        site.name, "_", rup.source, "_", rup.index, "_", i, ".bsa")>;

    seis = seismogram(sub, var, site);
    peak = peak_calc(seis, var);

type SgtDim;
type Variation;
type Seismogram;
type PeakValue;

type Station {
  string name;
  float lat;
  float lon;
  int erf;
  int variation_scenario;

type Sgt {
  SgtDim x;
  SgtDim y;

type Rupture {
  int source;
  int index;
  int size;

/* some constants used by the apps*/
global int num_time_steps = 3000;
global string spectra_period1 = "all";
global float filter_highhz = 5.0;
global float simulation_timeskip = 0.1;

app (Sgt _ext) extract(Sgt _sgt, Station _stat, Variation _var) {
  jbsim3d @strcat("stat=", _stat.name) "extract_sgt=1"
      @strcat("slon=", _stat.lon) @strcat("slat=", _stat.lat)

      @strcat("rupmodfile=", @filename(_var))
      @strcat("sgt_xfile=", @filename(_sgt.x))
      @strcat("sgt_yfile=", @filename(_sgt.y))
      @strcat("extract_sgt_xfile=", @filename(_ext.x))
      @strcat("extract_sgt_yfile=", @filename(_ext.y));

app (Seismogram _seis) seismogram(Sgt _sgt, Variation _var, Station _stat) {
  jbsim3d @strcat("stat=", _stat.name) "extract_sgt=0"
      @strcat("slon=", _stat.lon) @strcat("slat=", _stat.lat)
      "outputBinary=1" "mergeOutput=1" @strcat("ntout=", num_time_steps)

      @strcat("rupmodfile=", @filename(_var))
      @strcat("sgt_xfile=", @filename(_sgt.x))
      @strcat("sgt_yfile=", @filename(_sgt.y))
      @strcat("seis_file=", @filename(_seis));

app (PeakValue _peak) peak_calc(Seismogram _seis, Variation _var) {
//  touch @_peak;
  surfeis_rspectra "simulation_out_pointsX=2" "simulation_out_pointsY=1"

      @strcat("simulation_out_timesamples=", num_time_steps)
      @strcat("simulation_out_timeskip=", simulation_timeskip)
      @strcat("surfseis_rspectra_period=", spectra_period1)
      @strcat(" surfseis_rspectra_apply_filter_highHZ=", filter_highhz)
      @strcat("in=", @filename(_seis))
      @strcat("out=", @filename(_peak));

// Auxillary functions for the mappers
type StationFile;
app (StationFile _stat) getsite_file(int _run_id) {
  getsite _run_id stdout=@filename(_stat);
(Station _stat) get_site(int _run_id) {
  StationFile file<"site_tmp">;
  file = getsite_file(_run_id);
  _stat = readData(file);

type RuptureFile;
app (RuptureFile _rup) getrupture_file(int _run_id) {
  getrupture _run_id stdout=@filename(_rup);
(Rupture _rup[]) get_ruptures(int _run_id) {
  RuptureFile file<"rup_tmp">;
  file = getrupture_file(_run_id);
  _rup = readData(file);

Allan M. Espinosa <http://amespinosa.wordpress.com>
PhD student, Computer Science
University of Chicago <http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~aespinosa>
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