[Swift-user] Runtime error

Jonathan Monette jon.monette at gmail.com
Wed Jun 23 14:00:29 CDT 2010

I am getting a runtime exception for no such file of directory.  Here is 
the exact error:

Swift svn swift-r3343 cog-r2757

RunID: 20100623-1340-76qi2b0c
Execution failed:
     java.lang.RuntimeException: diffs.tbl (No such file or directory)

There are several function calls before the one that fails but it seems 
that none of the other calls run.  The diffs.tbl file is suppose to be 
created in one of these function calls that isn't running.  The line I 
believe that is causing the problems is:

DiffStruct diffs[] <csv_mapper; file = @diff_tbl, skip = 1, hdelim = "| ">;

If I comment out the function call that contains this line the script 
runs perfectly.  But as soon as I un-comment this line it fails with the 
runtime exception above.  Is the csv_mapper always the first thing to 
run no matter what or is there some implementation detail I have 
overlooked.   Any thoughts?


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- Albert Einstein

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