[Swift-user] Teraport question

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Mar 19 18:29:25 CDT 2009

On 3/19/09 6:22 PM, Mihael Hategan wrote:

>> "If no times are specified, but a queue is specified for the site, then 
>> the wall time allowed the worker job is determined by the local 
>> scheduler, based on the requested queue."
> I have no idea where that came from.

It came from this reasoning:

Ben suggested to Yue a sites.xml entry with a queue spec, and I assumed 
the intent was to use that without a wall time.  I then further assumed 
that if this worked (and Yue indicated that it did: his jobs wound uop 
in the fast queue), then the jobs must be getting some default time spec.

Ive always in the past found it a nuisance to have to get the 
maxwalltime spec compatible with the queue name, as you have to hunt 
town this data for every site.

If you knew the queue names, and could just specify a queue name without 
a wall time, that seemed handy. (Although I suppose can lead to the 
pitfall of unexpectedly exceeding wall time limits).

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