struct of structs via ext mapper(was Re: [Swift-user] single structs for ext mapper.)

Allan Espinosa aespinosa at
Tue Jul 14 12:45:08 CDT 2009

got it. thanks ben!

now based on this, i tried out a struct of structs.  my swift session
(latest on cog svn and swift svn) reports as follows:

RunID: testing
Progress:  Initializing site shared directory:1  Failed:1
Execution failed:
        Mapper failed to map org.griphyn.vdl.mapping.DataNode
identifier tag:benc at,2008:swift:dataset:20090714-1343-6lzjg014:720000000039
type AmplFilter with no value at dataset=res path=.out (not closed)


while getopts ":i:" options; do
  case $options in
    i) export instance=$OPTARG ;;
    *) exit 1;;

echo "expend result/$instance/expend.dat";
echo "limits result/$instance/limits.dat";
echo "price result/$instance/price.dat";
echo "ratio result/$instance/ratio.dat";
echo "solve result/$instance/solve.dat";

echo "ofile result/$instance/stdout";

echo "out.expend_out result/$instance/expend.out";
echo "out.price_out result/$instance/price.out";
echo "out.ratio_out result/$instance/ratio.out";

here is the workflow i was working on:

type Template;
type AmplIn;
type StdOut;

type AmplCmd {
  Template temp;
  AmplIn mod;
  AmplIn process;
  AmplIn output;
  AmplIn so;
  AmplIn tree;

type ExpendDat;
type LimitsDat;
type PriceDat;
type RatioDat;
type SolveDat;

type ExpendOut;
type PriceOut;
type RatioOut;

type AmplFilter {
  ExpendOut expend_out;
  PriceOut price_out;
  RatioOut ratio_out;

type AmplResult {
  ExpendDat expend;
  LimitsDat limits;
  PriceDat price;
  RatioDat ratio;
  SolveDat solve;
  StdOut ofile;
  AmplFilter out;

app (AmplResult result) run_ampl (string instanceID, AmplCmd cmd)
  run_ampl instanceID @filename(cmd.temp)
      @filename(cmd.mod) @filename(cmd.process)
      @filename(cmd.output) @filename( @filename(cmd.tree)
AmplCmd const_cmd <ext;exec="./">;

int runs[]=[2001:2002];
foreach i in runs {

  string instanceID = @strcat("run", i);

  AmplResult res <ext;exec="./", i=instanceID>;
  res = run_ampl(instanceID, const_cmd);

2009/7/11 Ben Clifford <benc at>:
>> How do you use ext mapper for single structs? I used a $.xxx but swift
>> does not recognize that.
> Try specifying xxx without the $. on the front.
> --

Allan M. Espinosa <>
PhD student, Computer Science
University of Chicago <>

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