[Swift-user] Problem about configuration for swift

Xueyuan Zhou zhouxy at uchicago.edu
Wed Sep 17 14:36:33 CDT 2008

Hi all,

I just got my certificate, and I can run grid-proxy-init. But when I change 
tc.data to
teraport  echo   /bin/echo INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null

and sites.xml to

  <pool handle="teraport" >
    <gridftp  url="gsiftp://tp-grid1.ci.uchicago.edu" />
    <jobmanager universe="vanilla"
url="tp-grid1.ci.uchicago.edu/jobmanager-pbs" major="2" />
    <workdirectory >/home/zhouxy/swift/working</workdirectory>

I got the following error when I tried to run first.swfit example

2008.09.17 14:20:08.306 CDT: [FATAL ERROR] You forgot to
set -Dpegasus.home=$PEGASUS_HOME!

Anyone can help me with this ?



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