[Swift-user] Running first.swift remotely on NCSA

Andriy Fedorov fedorov at cs.wm.edu
Thu Jun 12 20:19:11 CDT 2008


I am a beginner user of TeraGrid/Swift, with very little experience.

I am trying to run first.swift on NCSA Mercury. I updated
etc/sites.xml with (what I think) the latest correct information from

<pool handle="Mercury" >
    <gridftp  url="gsiftp://gridftp-hg.ncsa.teragrid.org" />
    <jobmanager universe="vanilla"
url="grid-hg.ncsa.teragrid.org/jobmanager" major="2" />
    <workdirectory >/home/ac/fedorov/scratch</workdirectory>

I updated the etc/tc.data with the line where to find echo on Mercury:

Mercury     echo   /bin/echo INSTALLED INTEL32::LINUX null

I ran grid-proxy-init, and myproxy-init. I installed userkey.pem and
usercert.pem in ~/.globus, and I installed the package with the root
certificates from here
http://security.teragrid.org/docs/teragrid-certs.tar.gz in

$GLOBUS_PATH is set, swift is in the $PATH.

I am able to log on to Mercury with gsissh, and I am able to execute
globus-url-copy, both without being asked password  I did run
'globusrun -a -r grid-hg.ncsa.teragrid.org' and the authentication
test was uccessful.

Now is my question, finally:

Why then, when I run 'swift first.swift', I see this (below) forever?
What did I miss? How to find what is the problem? Doesn't seem normal,
that 'echo' + scp takes minutes. I didn't have patience to wait until
it finishes, I'll leave it overnight to see if it finishes tomorrow.

[fedorov at ri vdsk] swift first.swift
Swift 0.5 swift-r1783 cog-r1962

RunID: 20080612-2101-yvp36l3c
echo started
Progress:  Executing:1
Progress:  Executing:1
Progress:  Executing:1
Progress:  Executing:1
Progress:  Executing:1
Progress:  Executing:1

Thanks in advance for your kind attention......

Andrey Fedorov
Center for Real-Time Computing
College of William and Mary

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