[Swift-user] BioInformatics app question
Alina Bejan
abejan at ci.uchicago.edu
Thu Jul 10 07:23:44 CDT 2008
Hello Ben/Mihael (I guess),
I have a Swift data structure question, which I'll describe below. I am
trying to write a script that performs the following workflow (example
below is a computation between a one genome and one genome, i.e. between
2 .faa files):
formatdb –i Ban.faa
formatdb –i Bce.faa
blastall –p blastp –d Ban.faa –i Bce.faa –m 9 –o out.Bce2Ban.txt
blastall –p blastp –d Bce.faa –i Ban.faa –m 9 –o out.Ban2Bce.txt
simple_reciprocal_best_hits.00.pl –i1 out.Bce2Ban.txt –i2
out.Ban2Bce.txt –o ortholog.pairs.txt
The 1-1 example works just fine (ortho.swift included) This file also
works well on multiple OSGEDU sites (that is when I use it with the
osgedu-sitex.xml included).
I am now trying to scale this up, using a set of 30 genomes (i.e.
30x30/2 computations - due to symmetry) -- ortho-many.swift included.
The 30 .faa files are located in the abejan/testBLAST/FASTA directory.
The problem is that I don't find a suitable mapper for this -- Idea is
that a need to store the intermediate files generated in the formatdb
step (the .phr, .pin., .psq files) into a structure, and map the
components of this structure to the newly generated files. Swift
complains with the way I do it now. Ultimately I would like to run
'ortho-many' on multiple sites.
Any help is appreciated.
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