[Swift-user] Passing hostType for MPI jobs

Andriy Fedorov fedorov at cs.wm.edu
Wed Jul 2 10:01:02 CDT 2008

> But finally...
>  <extensions>
>    <resourceAllocationGroup>
>        <hostType>ia64-compute</hostType>
>        <hostCount>5</hostCount>
>        <cpusPerHost>1</cpusPerHost>
>    </resourceAllocationGroup>
>  </extensions>
> allocates 5 hosts.
> So it looks like you need to specify both hostCount and cpusPerHost.

Ok, I tried that. It indeed allocates correct number of the requested
hosts. But, there's still a problem. It appears that only one instance
of the executable is running, at least when I specify jpbType to mpi.
I am not sure it is being run as an MPI job. I have a simple mpi code
that outputs rank and COMM_WORLD size, ant the test says I have the
total of 1 process, when I submit my job with the following job






Ben, can you try to run some MPI executable, and see if it works for you?

By the way, I also discovered, that sometimes the order of tags in
.xml makes difference (meaning, with certain order of "count",
"walltime" and "hostCount" globusrun-ws will abort). I had no idea
order matters...


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