[Swift-user] Passing hostType for MPI jobs

Andriy Fedorov fedorov at cs.wm.edu
Tue Jul 1 08:39:28 CDT 2008


I am having problems passing host type for MPI jobs. This appears to
happen both when I am using globusrun-ws (XML job description),
although the errors are different.

I am trying to request nodes of type "compute" on UC TeraGrid site.
This host type is recognized by PBS when I pass it to "qsub".

Basically, when I am using XML job description, I am specifying
hostType using Job description extension support
What happens is that I get the correct type of nodes, but the count is
not what I request.

When I specify hostType parameter in tc.data I either get an error
(when I have hostCount="4:compute"):


RunID: 20080701-0829-xstp5l98
hello_mpi started
Progress:  Stage in:1
Failed to transfer wrapper log from
Failed to transfer wrapper log from
Failed to transfer wrapper log from
hello_mpi failed
Execution failed:
        Exception in hello_mpi:
Arguments: []
Host: UC-GT4
Directory: hello_mpi_swift-20080701-0829-xstp5l98/jobs/c/hello_mpi-cltmnvui



Caused by:
        For input string: "4:compute"


or I get the nodes of the wrong type (when I use hostType="compute" --
looks like it is just ignored).

Does anyone know how to specify host type correctly? Is this a GT4
bug? I suspect there is a GT4 bug involved, because when I skip
<extensions>, I can correctly run MPI job on 4 hosts. I don't know
what is the Swift support for host type functionality.

For the reference, I attach my XML job description, tc.data,
sites.xml, Swift script, and the simple MPI "hello world" code.

hello_mpi.c (compile with `mpicc -o hello_mpi hello_mpi.c') ==>

#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv){
        int myrank, size;

        MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
        MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank);
        MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &size);
        fprintf(stderr, "Hello, world from cpu %i (total %i)\n",
            myrank, size);
        return 0;

hello_mpi_xml.xml ===>







hello_mpi_swift.swift ===>
type messagefile {}

(messagefile t) greeting() {
    app {
        hello_mpi stderr=@filename(t);

messagefile outfile <"hello_mpi.txt">;

outfile = greeting();

tc.data ===>
UC-GT4  hello_mpi       /home/fedorov/local/bin/hello_mpi_v INSTALLED
INTEL32::LINUX GLOBUS::hostCount="4",jobType=mpi,maxWallTime="10",count="4",hostType="compute"

sites.xml ===>
<pool handle="UC-GT4">
        <gridftp url="gsiftp://tg-gridftp.uc.teragrid.org" />
        <execution provider="gt4" jobmanager="PBS"

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