[Swift-devel] Release strategy

Yadu Nand Babuji yadunand at uchicago.edu
Mon Dec 15 15:58:31 CST 2014

Hi Everyone,

Based on the discussion we had on the Friday meeting, here are some of 
the suggested changes to release
strategy and versioning. Please correct me if I got any of the following 

Major version will denote language changes that will likely break 
backward compatibility.
Minor version increments will indicate feature enhancements.
Sub-minor versions will be assigned after a release has been made, and 
will represent bug-fixes.
testing versions for the next release which will be closely following 
the repository.
No more RCs

We will not be using the release-candidate numbering which has put 
releases in perpetual limbo, instead
testing releases with no explicit numbering will be used. For example 
the next planned release 0.96 would
have a testing branch 0.96-testing. Once planned features have gone in 
and are tested, 0.96 will be released,
with bug fixes following it, when identified.

I will work with the site admins (midway, beagle, LCRC etc..) to ensure 
that we have the latest stable release
as well as the testing package for the next release available on the 


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