[Swift-devel] Coaster protocol documentation and questions

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Jun 12 09:47:26 CDT 2013

Following up from last Friday's developer meeting:

> > o Mihael: help Yadu and David start documenting the protocol for
> > coasters in prep for coaster provider staging file caching feature
> > work
> http://wiki.cogkit.org/wiki/Coaster_Protocol
This document is an excellent start. I'd forgotten that you created it - very nice.

One thing I can't see from reading the document - in part due to the symmetry of the protocol - is what parties the messages flow between in what order for various operations.

It seems that to fully understand the protocol, we should also document, using sequence charts, the message flow between the 3 parties involved for operations like "initialize", "run a task", "stage a file to task", "stage a file from task", "stage initial files".

The 3 parties are Swift (coaster client), coaster service, and coaster worker.

Im also curious what changes in the protocol (if anything) when the coaster service is embedded in the Swift JVM.

Can you augment the document with these things, or help Yadu and David to do so from logs?


- Mike

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