[Swift-devel] Try the "TrySwift" pre-release snapshot

Ian Foster foster at anl.gov
Fri Dec 13 07:36:12 CST 2013

Mike and David:

This is really nice. A few comments and questions:

-- It would be nice to be able to show the C code for "simulate" (for example) so that people understand the complete example. 

-- It would be interesting longer term to allow people to access data produced in earlier computations in later computations (?)

-- Include the Swift logo somewhere

-- Where are the VMs?

-- Link to CI Connect?


On Dec 12, 2013, at 10:21 PM, Michael Wilde <wilde at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:

> Dear All,
> David Kelly of the Swift team has developed a web interface that lets you sample the Swift language via a web interface:
>  http://swift-lang.org/tryswift
> You paste in and run Swift scripts; apps launched by your scripts are run on a few sandbox VMs. Swift tutorial text is presented in a side-bar for you to try.
> The goal is to let visitors to the Swift web quickly explore the language with no installation or setup.
> Its not quite ready to advertise and link to it from the Swift web, but we'd love to get your early feedback on this pre-release snapshot of the interface. Eventually, much of the Swift tutorial will be available to try from the companion frames of the interface.
> Please send comments and ideas for improvements back to swift-devel at ci.uchicago.edu.
> Thanks, and happy swifting!
> - Mike, for the Swift Team
> -- 
> Michael Wilde
> Computation Institute, University of Chicago
> Mathematics and Computer Science Division
> Argonne National Laboratory

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