[Swift-devel] Vanilla python

Lorenzo Pesce lpesce at uchicago.edu
Wed Jul 25 09:01:43 CDT 2012

Dear all,

I am going to build a version of python to be used in a test pipeline, which will eventually become a swift pipeline for genomics research (you will receive a lot of messages about it in the next few weeks).

Python doesn't seem to be capable of running on the compute notes with more than one instance on a Cray XE6 (Beagle), as Mike told me multiple times ;-)

My understanding is that what I need is a vanilla version which has to be build with the gcc compiler only, without using the scripts. I plan to strip it of multithreading too if necessary, but right now I don't see why it should be.

I will first try as:
-install it under vanilla_python (any better name? I would like to use the same name for all the similarly build environments, from perl to R)
-using gcc directly
-I will reinstall all relevant packages under its won tree and built in the same way

Any other suggestions? Am I missing something?


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