[Swift-devel] Cache error in Swift

Jonathan Monette jonmon at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Sep 14 17:33:21 CDT 2011

   I just ran my SwiftMontage scripts again with the most recent build of 0.93 source.  I received this error
Execution failed:
	The cache already contains pads:montage-20110914-1717-nrothtg3/shared/proj_dir/proj_2mass-atlas-000713s-j0870197.fits.

I received this error after 3652 tasks.  All the files are located in /home/jonmon/PADS/Swift/SwiftMontage/big/run.0013 on the CI machines.

I wanted to try replications.  I have noticed in my scripts that when PADS is full of jobs Swift doesn't try to resubmit to Beagle even though Beagle shows through showq  that it has room for jobs.  I thought replications would use both sites more efficiently.  What I mean is I thought that replications would replicate a jobs onto Beagle since PADS is taking so long just sitting in the queue.

Please educate me if this is not what I should be doing and if in fact there is no work around to this problem.

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