[Swift-devel] Running a command on all coasters

Justin M Wozniak wozniak at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Jan 25 17:06:51 CST 2011

Hello Tim
 	I've looked into this a bit.
 	First, there is the WORKERSHELLCMD RPC that is already in there. 
You could call that from, say, an AllocationHook.
 	Second, there is the WORKER_COPIES functionality (cf. 
Settings.java and worker.pl).  This lets you perform arbitrary file copies 
at worker start time.
 	I was thinking the easiest thing might be to add a WORKER_SETUP 
variable that would be similar to WORKER_COPIES and would execute right 
after the WORKER_COPIES are done.  So, say, you could upload a script and 
a tarball and perform a setup operation.
 	We could also have a WORKER_SHUTDOWN variable.

On Tue, 25 Jan 2011, Tim Armstrong wrote:

> Hi All,
>  Is there any mechanism in Swift where I could get swift to execute a
> command  on all of the worker machines that were currently attached to the
> coasters instance?  I basically want to stage some data out to all of the
> workers and run some setup scripts in preparation for running a whole bunch
> of tasks.
> I'm not sure I actually want to do this, just assessing the feasibility of
> the option.
> - Tim

Justin M Wozniak

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