[Swift-devel] Re: Swift hang

Jonathan Monette jon.monette at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 22:30:19 CST 2011

Ok.  That work flow just finished.  PADS was backed and it took awhile 
for my jobs to start.  I am starting my largest work flow right now.  If 
all completes nicely I can start tuning the parameters in the sites.xml 
and tc.data files to speed it up.  Thanks Mihael.

On 1/18/11 6:14 PM, Mihael Hategan wrote:
> On Tue, 2011-01-18 at 18:03 -0600, Jonathan Monette wrote:
>>> 2011-01-05 12:48:37,734-0600 INFO  CoasterService Idle time: 125670
>>> 2011-01-05 12:48:37,735-0600 WARN  CoasterService Idle time exceeded.
>>> Shutting down service.
>> I think Swift reported this that the service was shutdown due to idle
>> time exceeded but I assumed that the service restarted when needed.  At
>> least that is the assumption that I have been going off of.
> The reason for having the idle timeout is to prevent services from
> taking up resources when there is no work being done and to also prevent
> services from staying up when the client has died.
> In the local case, since they go down with the JVM and they do not
> fundamentally eat more resources (the JVM stays up anyway), this
> mechanism has no good reason to be. Whether it's restarted or not,
> maybe. But simpler code I trust more.
> Also, I'll commit the two new fixes to the stable branch.
> Mihael

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