[Swift-devel] Re: poor performance

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Jan 11 17:24:40 CST 2011

Hi Marc,

Mihael's reply to this was to remind me that he applied a Swift fix to try to address this.

That was done while I was focused on writing, and I forgot to follow up with you.

What we needed to do based on Mihael's last analysis of your logs was:

- rerun using the new Swift release candidate "0.92" which I need to build for you.

Can you confirm that you did *not* build this yourself, and that the latest run is still on the old, un-fixed Swift release?

- change your throttle and score values to something lower than 1,10000 (which we will need some advice from Mihael on). I suggested we try the new code with the throttles removed.

So while I wait to hear from you I will build Swift 0.92 on engage. And also start setting up for running on OSG form the CI network instead of engage-submit.

- Mike

----- Original Message -----
> Hi Mike,
> I have a campaign running on renci for almost 2 days now; only 529 on
> 3000 jobs are done. IBI can weed 3000 within 2 days on 128 processors.
> What is the problem? Why don't I have a decent performance on making
> use of 10 super-computers? I have the most simplest swift script ever
> (aside from the "Hello World" one).
> the (1 Gb) log file is here:
> /home/parisien/Database/MCSG/ftdock-20110108-1301-xx8evgh7.log
> could it be because of a bad "site" that throws off all of Swift's
> scheduling? Or a "badly" set parameter??
> Very Best,
> Marc.

Michael Wilde
Computation Institute, University of Chicago
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory

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