[Swift-devel] Workflow waiting on condition hang
Jonathan Monette
jon.monette at gmail.com
Thu Feb 17 15:13:14 CST 2011
My workflow seems to be hanging. This is trunk swift-r4107 and
cog-r3051. Attached is a compressed log file and the jstack output for
my workflow. The jstack file says it is waiting for a condition and my
workflow hangs. Following my workflow, it hangs always at the same app
even though all the files needed to run the app has been created.
However is the log file I get these weird PBS outputs that I have not
seen before.
Begin PBS Epilogue Thu Feb 17 15:01:21 CST 2011
Job ID: 913461.svc.pads.ci.uchicago.edu
Username: jonmon
Group: ci-users
Job Name: Block-0217-590238-000006
Session: 7544
Limits: ncpus=1,neednodes=1,nodes=1,size=1,walltime=00:40:00
Resources: cput=00:00:29,mem=24724kb,vmem=317560kb,walltime=00:01:36
Nodes: c27.pads.ci.uchicago.edu
End PBS Epilogue Thu Feb 17 15:01:21 CST 2011
Not sure what this is trying to tell me but this appears along with some
other output I have not seen before. I am leaning towards an array not
being closed since I believe that is the most recent thing being changed
to handle the array mappers but I have evidence(yet) to back this claim.
Computers are incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid. Human beings are incredibly slow, inaccurate, and brilliant. Together they are powerful beyond imagination.
- Albert Einstein
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