[Swift-devel] To-do for 0.93

David Kelly davidk at ci.uchicago.edu
Mon Aug 22 15:47:25 CDT 2011


Just wanted to post an update on the status of 0.93, and try to get an idea of what remains before we can release it.

After some fixes for various systems, nearly all the provider testing is completed and working. This list includes Beagle (with and without coasters), CI machines, Crow, Fusion, Intrepid, local, local with coasters, MCS with persistent coasters, PADS (with and without coasters), Queenbee, Ranger with sge/coasters, and Surveyor.

The last thing to be tested from the list is Ranger with gt2:sge. I'm running into some issues while trying to renew my doe certs, so if anyone want to help out and has access, that would be great.

I am aiming to have a more complete site guide finished by the end of this week. Mike and I will also be working together on the finishing touches for the new website.

What is the list of potential blockers? Here is the partial list I have (I created new bugzilla tickets for the ones I couldn't find - let me know if any are dupes)

Out of Bounds issue - Jon reported seeing an OOB exception during a run on Beagle/PADS using 0.93. https://bugzilla.mcs.anl.gov/swift/show_bug.cgi?id=521

State reporting on Beagle. Swift not correctly reporting on the state of the run. https://bugzilla.mcs.anl.gov/swift/show_bug.cgi?id=519

DSSAT script does not complete, 2nd coaster blocks dont start - https://bugzilla.mcs.anl.gov/swift/show_bug.cgi?id=523

Is there anything else I am missing?



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