[Swift-devel] Progress so far

Arjun Comar mandaya at rose-hulman.edu
Fri Jun 4 11:33:12 CDT 2010

Hey all, I haven't been able to talk in the last two skype calls for the
summer students conference calls so Mike asked me to mail the list with what
I've been working on, etc.

So what I've done so far:
I've mostly been going through Swift/OSG/etc. tutorials with the goal of
getting myself up to speed as best as I can, as quickly as possible. I've
also spent a bunch of time getting the requisite certificates,
authentications, etc., and getting them installed in the appropriate places.
It took longer that I expected, but the problems I had were more along the
lines of me trying to do things manually when I needed to go through web
forms (like with ssh keys). I was trying to stick them directly in the
appropriate files, but that's not an allowed approach.

What I'm working on today:
I'd really like to get remote execution of swift scripts working, and
hopefully execution on multiple remote machines. I wanted to get it working
yesterday but the OSG tutorial took up most of my time.

Problems thus far:
Nothing major, just a few things where I expected things to work a certain
way but they in fact worked a different way. Nothing google and reading the
proper FAQs couldn't solve. We'll see if I run into anything major today.

Arjun Comar, Rose-Hulman '12
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