[Swift-devel] Re: Swift configuration interface

David Kelly dk0966 at cs.ship.edu
Tue Jul 6 03:33:29 CDT 2010


The newest version of swiftconfig is available through svn at

New features are the automatic replacement of $HOME within site templates,
the ability to add/modify site profiles, and the removal of commands from
the translation catalog.  Details of how it works is also now documented as
POD. "perldoc swiftconfig" will give you all the details (also included as

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    swiftconfig - Utility for managing Swift configuration

    swiftconfig [-option value]

    The swiftconfig program allows users to configure Swift. It allows for
    the adding, removing, and modification of remote sites by utilizing a
    set of standard templates. It also provides a way to quickly add, remove
    and modify translation catalog entries without having to manually edit

    General operations: 
	-add sitename 		add a site from template 
	-remove site		removes a site from sites.xml 
	-remove command 	removes a command from the catalog 
	-templates 		display all available sites in template 
	-modify site		Specifies the name of a site to modify

    Translation catalog settings: 
	-host hostname		hostname of the translation catalog entry 
	-name name 	 	translation name 
	-path path 	 	full pathname to location of program 
	-status status 	 	installation status (deprecated)
    	-profile setting 	define the profile value for an entry 
	-tcfile filename	explicitly specify a translation file

    Sites settings: 
       -templatefile file 	explicitly set the template file to use 
       -sitesfile file		explicitly set the sites file to use 
       -gridftp GridFTPURL	GridFTP URL 
       -jobuniverse universe 	job manager universe
       -joburl URL 		job manager URL 
       -jobmajor major 		job mager number 
       -jobminor minor		job minor number 
       -directory dir 		work directory 
       -exprovider name         execution provider 
       -exmanager name		execution job manager 
       -exurl URL		execution URL 
       -key key 		profile key 
       -value value 		profile value 
       -namespace name 		profile namespace

    List all templates available for adding:
	swiftconfig -templates

    Add a site from template into working sites.xml:
	 swiftconfig -add teraport

    Modify the work directory of a site:
	 swiftconfig -modify teraport -directory /var/tmp

    Remove a site:
	swiftconfig -remove teraport

    Add a new command to translation catalog:
	swiftconfig -name convert -path /usr/local/bin/convert

    Modify an existing command in the translation catalog:
	swiftconfig -name convert -path /usr/bin/convert

    Remove a command from the translation catalog:
	swiftconfig -remove convert

    Swiftconfig will attempt to automatically determine the location of
    swift configuration files. It first checks for an environment variable
    called $SWIFT_HOME. If that is not found, it will look for the location
    of "swift" in the path, and try to find the configuration files from
    there. This default behavior can be overwridden by manually specifying
    the location of files with -templatefile, -sitesfile, and -tcfile.

    The XML library that swiftconfig uses ignores comments in XML. All
    comments will be stripped from sites.xml as it gets modified.

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