[Swift-devel] Format of site tests

Ben Clifford benc at hawaga.org.uk
Tue Dec 14 03:41:36 CST 2010

> I think Ben has something similar in the existing tests, but I have not 
> looked at those yet.

The site tests as I left them were pretty much: 
  for each site file in $SOMEDIR:
     run some subset of the local tests with that site file

I think I made the subset of the local tests be one that would test 
"site-like functionality" eg file transfer and job submission, rather than 
"language-like functionality" eg the boolean not-operator.

That structure didn't allow some things that would have been good to 
regularly test - eg. running a 1000 NOP job test through coasters on a 
site, while not running that test on a pure GRAM2 site, where such a run 
would be hilarious/tragic.


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