[Swift-devel] Coaster CPU-time consumption issue

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jul 13 17:17:26 CDT 2009

Nice!  Now lets beat it up and see how well it works.

Sarah: Allan did not encounter the error messages you mentioned to me.

I suggest you do this:

- post to the devel list the messages you got

- test this patch to see if it clears up the problem


On 7/13/09 5:04 PM, Allan Espinosa wrote:
> hi,
> here is a patch which solves the cpu usage on the bootstrap coaster
> service: http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/~aespinosa/provider-coaster-cpu_fix.patch
> suggested svn log entry:
>     Added locks via wait() and notify() to prevent busy waiting/
> active polling in the block task queue.
> Test 2000 touch job using 066-many.swift via local:local :
> before: http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/~aespinosa/swift/run06
> after: http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/~aespinosa/swift/run07
> CPU usage drops from 100% to 0% with a few 25-40 % spikes!
> -Allan
> 2009/7/13 Michael Wilde <wilde at mcs.anl.gov>:
>> Hi Allan,
>> I think the methods you want for synchronization are part of class Object.
>> They are documented in the chapter Threads and Locks of The Java Language
>> Specification:
>> http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/third_edition/html/memory.html#17.8
>> queue.wait() should be called if the queue is empty.
>> queue.notify() or .notifyall() should be called when something is added to
>> the queue. I think notify() should work.
>> .wait will I think take a timer, but suspect you dont need that.
>> Both should be called within the synchronized(queue) constructs that are
>> already in the code.
>> Should be fun to fix this!
>> - Mike
>> On 7/13/09 2:12 PM, Allan Espinosa wrote:
>>> 97% is an average as can be seen in run06.  swift version is r3005 and
>>> cogkit r2410.  this is a vanilla build of swift.
>>> 2009/7/13 Mihael Hategan <hategan at mcs.anl.gov>:
>>>> A while ago I committed a patch to run the service process with a lower
>>>> priority. Is that in use?
>>>> Also, is logging reduced or is it the default?
>>>> Is the 97% CPU usage a spike, or does it stay there on average?
>>>> Can I take a look at the coaster logs from skenny's run on ranger?
>>>> I'd also like to point out in as little offensive mode as I can, that
>>>> I'm working 100% on I2U2 and my lack of getting more than lightly
>>>> involved in this is a consequence of that.
>>>> On Mon, 2009-07-13 at 13:55 -0500, Allan Espinosa wrote:
>>>>> I ran 2000 "sleep 60" jobs on teraport and monitored tp-osg.  From
>>>>> here process 22395 is the child of the main java process
>>>>> (bootstrap.jar) and is loading the CPU.
>>>>> I have coasters.log, worker-*log, swift logs, gram logs in
>>>>> ~aespinosa/workflows/activelog/run06.  This refers to a different run.
>>>>>  PID 15206 is the child java process of bootstrap.jar in here.
>>>>> top snapshot:
>>>>> top - 13:49:03 up 55 days,  1:45,  1 user,  load average: 1.18, 0.80,
>>>>> 0.55
>>>>> Tasks: 121 total,   1 running, 120 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
>>>>> Cpu(s):  7.5%us,  2.8%sy, 48.7%ni, 41.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,
>>>>>  0.0%st
>>>>> Mem:   4058916k total,  3889864k used,   169052k free,   239688k buffers
>>>>> Swap:  4192956k total,       96k used,  4192860k free,  2504812k cached
>>>>> 22395 aespinos  25  10  525m  91m  13m S 97.5  2.3   4:29.22 java
>>>>> 22217 aespinos  15   0 10736 1048  776 R  0.3  0.0   0:00.50 top
>>>>> 22243 aespinos  16   0  102m 5576 3536 S  0.3  0.1   0:00.10
>>>>> globus-job-mana
>>>>> 14764 aespinos  15   0 98024 1744  976 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.06 sshd
>>>>> 14765 aespinos  15   0 65364 2796 1176 S  0.0  0.1   0:00.18 bash
>>>>> 22326 aespinos  18   0  8916 1052  852 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 bash
>>>>> 22328 aespinos  19   0  8916 1116  908 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 bash
>>>>> 22364 aespinos  15   0 1222m  18m 8976 S  0.0  0.5   0:00.20 java
>>>>> 22444 aespinos  16   0  102m 5684 3528 S  0.0  0.1   0:00.09
>>>>> globus-job-man
>>>>> ps snapshot:
>>>>> 22328 ?        S      0:00  \_ /bin/bash
>>>>> 22364 ?        Sl     0:00      \_
>>>>> /opt/osg-ce-1.0.0-r2/jdk1.5/bin/java
>>>>> -Djava=/opt/osg-ce-1.0.0-r2/jdk1.5/bin/java -DGLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE=
>>>>> -DX509_USER_PROXY=/home/aespinosa/.globus/job/tp-grid1.ci.uchicago.edu/22243.1247510668/x509_up
>>>>> -DX509_CERT_DIR= -DGLOBUS_HOSTNAME=tp-osg.ci.uchicago.edu -jar
>>>>> /tmp/bootstrap.w22332 http://communicado.ci.uchicago.edu:46520
>>>>> 11505253269
>>>>> 22395 ?        SNl    6:29          \_
>>>>> /opt/osg-ce-1.0.0-r2/jdk1.5/bin/java -Xmx128M
>>>>> -DX509_USER_PROXY=/home/aespinosa/.globus/job/tp-grid1.ci.uchicago.edu/22243.1247510668/x509_up
>>>>> -DGLOBUS_HOSTNAME=tp-osg.ci.uchicago.edu
>>>>> -Djava.security.egd=file:///dev/urandom -cp
>>>>> /home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/cog-provider-coaster-0.3-e10824578d296f9eebba24f209dbed7b.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/backport-util-concurrent-f9c59530e5d6ca38f3ba6c0b6213e016.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/cog-abstraction-common-2.3-6f32fedfa8ec01e07d0096a5275ac24b.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/cog-jglobus-dev-080222-d87a8fb09be6d8011f6492feabce475d.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/cog-karajan-0.36-dev-1614e96028db0b862d84fa01e5998872.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/cog-provider-gt2-2.4-b8ed4d13933b4c28a7e6844a39a4fad3.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/cog-provider-gt4_0_0-2.5-658d743844fc772713ac2aa6f92b00e7.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/cog-provider-local-2.2-60cc44c1599e1298376036bb9dc531c7.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/cog-provider-localscheduler-0.4-c5eeab454e4fe4a99421e28761566bf1.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/cog-provider-ssh-2.4-74d67b067ac196fcde
>> 46b9584af140.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/cog-util-0.92-7b1f1e2bf52a6b575948e3f8949fa1df.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/cryptix-asn1-87c4cf848c81d102bd29e33681b80e8a.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/cryptix-c3dad86be114c7aaf2ddf32c8e52184a.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/cryptix32-59772ad239684bf10ae8fe71f4dbae22.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/concurrent-967678fe1b153be98d982e3867e7271b.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/j2ssh-core-0.2.2-patched-9bf1ffb8ab700234649f70ef4a35f029.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/j2ssh-common-0.2.2-d65a51ea6f64efc066915c1618c613ca.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/jaxrpc-8e7d80b5d77dff6ed2f41352e9147101.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/jce-jdk13-131-06fc7049669d16c4001a452e100b401f.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/jgss-9cccfd21259791b509af229a0181f207.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/log4j-1.2.8-18a4ca847248e5b8606325684342701c.
>> :/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/puretls-90b9c31c201243b9f4a24fa11d404702.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/addressing-1.0-44c19ed929b7d8ab75812b7cd60753c7.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/commonj-80b93fb3333a17d66fc1afdef5a13563.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/axis-f01bcaa789cf9735430b289f6b39ea9a.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/axis-url-fffc9e2378df340c8d3ed0c029867d0d.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/cog-axis-eafb6cd78da733f3293a5508793c10a4.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/globus_delegation_service-e49623aeb2d0297615dfb7ad5a834306.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/globus_delegation_stubs-29ce051b29a9422aeba1f60ac205f1b1.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/globus_wsrf_mds_aggregator_stubs-fbcd9a33c3982fae5a4231ca8f426560.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/globus_wsrf_rendezvous_stubs-d09ea57f3863104dafca984682ec71ff.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/globus_wsrf_rendezvou
>> ervice-afc177c2e02fd0e773698f3d478a33ef.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/globus_wsrf_rft_stubs-e3be33b222d03afc750b112c7f638f41.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/gram-utils-ab1a282ee889d381b22051a863f086cb.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/gram-stubs-1bd6f6863c3d4c31bf5aa0dd34adf0be.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/gram-client-197210112784800e635b333acda58ee9.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/naming-resources-d7a5b4123aad30d5dc11ca827aa6177a.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/naming-common-1cfe69c9206c1f13bb328a350e3fb0e4.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/naming-factory-ddb1fb5f295162e0389d713822f1112e.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/naming-java-6f6855fb184b81d050d17a1e938cd2a2.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/saaj-fa0706bd9bcb29f522c1a08db1cbcd94.jar:/home/aespinosa/.globus/coasters/cache/wsdl4j-a0f571fafc
>>>>> 2009/7/13 Mihael Hategan <hategan at mcs.anl.gov>:
>>>>>> On Mon, 2009-07-13 at 12:28 -0500, Michael Wilde wrote:
>>>>>>>>> At the time we did not have a chance to gather detailed evidence,
>>>>>>>>> but I
>>>>>>>>> was surprised by two things:
>>>>>>>>> - that there were two Java processes and that one was so big. (Are
>>>>>>>>> most
>>>>>>>>> likely the active process was just a child thread of the main
>>>>>>>>> process?)
>>>>>>>> One java process is the bootstrap process (it downloads the coaster
>>>>>>>> jars, sets up the environment and runs the coaster service). It has
>>>>>>>> always been like this. Did you happen to capture the output of ps to
>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> file? That would be useful, because from what you are suggesting, it
>>>>>>>> appears that the bootstrap process is eating 100% CPU. That process
>>>>>>>> should only be sleeping after the service is started.
>>>>>>> I *thought* I captured the output of "top -u sarahs'id -b -d" but I
>>>>>>> cant
>>>>>>> locate it.
>>>>>>> As best as I can recall it showed the larger memory-footprint process
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> be relatively idle, and the smaller footprint process (about 275MB) to
>>>>>>> be burning 100% of a CPU.
>>>>>> Normally, the smaller footprint process should be the bootstrap. But
>>>>>> that's why I would like the ps output, because it sounds odd.
>>>>>>>  Allan will try to get a snapshot of this shortly.
>>>>>>> If this observation if correct, whats the best way to find out where
>>>>>>> its
>>>>>>> spinning? Profiling? Debug logging? Can you get profiling data from a
>>>>>>> JVM that doesnt exit?
>>>>>> Once I know where it is, I can look at the code and then we'll go from
>>>>>> there.

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