[Swift-devel] Re: Coasters failing on Teraport - cant find Java?

Ben Clifford benc at hawaga.org.uk
Tue Jan 27 15:29:52 CST 2009

On Tue, 27 Jan 2009, Michael Wilde wrote:

> To clarify further: with coasters, is <gridftp url=local://localhost> a valid
> option?

> Ie, coasters has 3 valid data provider options: gridftp, local, and
> "filesystem" which uses the coasters themselves to move data?

use any one of those three.

> (Can you explain how the "filesystem" method works? I didnt find the 
> userguide clear enough on that to help decide if/when to select this 
> method)

<gridftp ...> is pretty much a synonym for <filesystem provider="gt2" ...>

So then consider the above three as different mechanisms using
<filesystem>, with:

provider="gt2" - use gridftp to transfer the file from where the Swift 
command line client is running to the remote location

provider="local" - use posix filesystem access to transfer the file, which 
only works where you have posix access to the 'remote' site shared 

provider="coaster" - execute a remote file server process (being part of 
coaster) and through that access files on the remote site


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