[Swift-devel] absolute path

Zhao Zhang zhaozhang at uchicago.edu
Fri Feb 20 16:48:49 CST 2009

Hi, Guys

I found that in the latest swift code, the task description is using 
absolute path like this:
/bin/bash /tmp/sleep-20090220-1646-7vdlcg0a/shared/wrapper.sh 
sleep-hoyn8x6j -jobdir h/o -e /bin/sleep -out stdout.txt -err stderr.txt 
-i -d  -if  -of  -k  -a 30

I mean the "/tmp/sleep-20090220-1646-7vdlcg0a/shared/wrapper.sh" part.
Is there an option that we use relative path? thanks

best wishes

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