[Swift-devel] walltime compulsion

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Thu Feb 12 10:35:57 CST 2009

Would that address Ben's concern? Is the dislike the 10 minute default, 
or the fact that the same value is used for all 3 calculations mentioned?

My slight preference is to keep required fields to a minimum, to make 
the time somewhat higher (to to reduce surprise job terminations at the 
expense of surprise at winding up in slow queue).

If its easy, is a global property for the default time reasonable?
So a user could tweak one value for all their wall times?

Also: I didnt raise this because there was so much churn last week on 
the coaster code, but when testing Ben's coaster-service-on-headnode 
patch, I was unable to find walltime settings that would get me into the 
fast queue on teraport. I did not have time to track down what was 
happening, in terms of what I requested where vs what was sent to gram. 
Just a heads-up that the time calculation code could use some testing.

- Mike

On 2/12/09 10:24 AM, Mats Rynge wrote:
> Ben Clifford wrote:
>> What exists in SVN HEAD now is that if you do not specify a tc.data 
>> maxwalltime, then that tc.data entry is given a 10 minute maxwalltime 
>> entry by default (for everywhere - clustering, submit-side walltime 
>> violation, remote queue entry)
>> This is a change in maxwalltime handling that I dislike.
> So, why not just make the maxwalltime in tc.data a required field?

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