[Swift-devel] How to do coasters on bgp?

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Apr 15 23:40:23 CDT 2009

Modulo subtleties which I dont understand or cant foresee, this sounds 
very good to me.

I realized I may have caused confusion in my previous post on this: when 
  I said that "this is what you are doing", I meant approach (1) below. 
Which sounded to me as good or better that whats been called static 

Im interested in what others think, but I like the scheme below.

On 4/15/09 11:18 PM, Mihael Hategan wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-04-15 at 20:08 -0500, Ioan Raicu wrote:
>> I believe the BG/P is one of those machines, where static resource 
>> provisioning is necessary. From the discussion we had on static vs. 
>> dynamic provisioning a week or so back, I think that might be a big 
>> hurdle (besides the other typical hurdles, such as network connectivity, 
>> language support, and nuances specific to the BG/P). Before moving to 
>> the BG/P, I'd argue for implementing static provisioning,
> I see there's still some confusion about "static provisioning". Perhaps
> we should abandon the term. Instead we could use:
> 1. pre-defined window, in which we say when the system should try to
> allocate nodes, in what amount, and for how long.
> 2. moving window, in which the system decides when to allocate nodes and
> for how long, subject to certain constraints (such as 64 nodes per job,
> 8 cores per node).
> 3. mixed mode, in which pre-defined windows could be used if available,
> and supplemented by moving windows if necessary.

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