[Swift-devel] How to do coasters on bgp?

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Apr 15 20:02:49 CDT 2009

What work is needed if we want to run coasters on the bgp?

I can think of the following, but there might be more, or differen, issues.

The scheduler is cobalt - it seems pretty PBS-like to the user; I dont 
know if its pbs-like enough for swift and coasters.

We need to see if we can first run a simple job with the pbs provider.

Then we can test if we start a single coaster job. That should ensure 
that the perl we need is all there.

Once all that works, we need to work out how to ask coasters to allocate 
all the cores it wants in one job. Im hoping this would work the same on 
bgp as the feature you're developing for that purpose on other hosts.
(does it have property name or profile variable name?)

Does this seem close, anything missing, any other problems expected on BGP?

Then there is sicortex, which is not a priority at all, but its 
interesting to think about:
- no Java on head node
- slurm scheduler
- we have tested falkon on it by ssh tunneling from communicado

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