[Swift-devel] could swift use return code from falkon as a success notification?

Zhao Zhang zhaozhang at uchicago.edu
Thu Oct 2 14:37:32 CDT 2008

After applying the patch, I rebuild falkon, and run the tests. It failed.

zzhang at login6.surveyor:/home/falkon/cog/modules/vdsk/tests/misc> ./run
Removing files from previous runs
Running test 130-fmri
Swift svn swift-r2169 (Swift modified locally) cog-r2125

RunID: 20081002-1429-v0e0f3a3
touch started
touch started
touch started
touch started
Sorted: [localhost:0.000(1.000):0/1 overload: 0]
Sorted: [localhost:0.000(1.000):1/1 overload: 0]
Failed to transfer wrapper log from 
Failed to transfer wrapper log from 
Sorted: [localhost:-2.500(0.257):0/1 overload: 0]
Failed to transfer wrapper log from 
Sorted: [localhost:-4.200(0.129):0/1 overload: 0]
Progress:  Stage in:1 Failed but can retry:3
Failed to transfer wrapper log from 
Sorted: [localhost:-5.900(0.079):0/1 overload: 0]
Progress:  Stage in:1 Failed but can retry:3
Failed to transfer wrapper log from 
test clusters ended with return value 1


Ben Clifford wrote:
> ok, try the same compiled code with the localhost provider running those 
> tests. If those pass, then there may be something not working as necessary 
> in provider-deef or falkon (the step in Mihaels instructions about getting 
> falkon+provider-deef to return process exit codes). If not, then there is 
> some other problem.
> On Wed, 1 Oct 2008, Zhao Zhang wrote:
>> Thanks, Ben.
>> First I tested the tests/misc/run, and it is ok.
>> Then I applied the patch, then swift failed:
>> Failed to transfer wrapper log from sleep-20081001-1558-in93l5j4/info/n/s/bgp0
>> Failed to transfer wrapper log from sleep-20081001-1558-in93l5j4/info/t/s/bgp0
>> Failed to transfer wrapper log from sleep-20081001-1558-in93l5j4/info/1/t/bgp0
>> Failed to transfer wrapper log from sleep-20081001-1558-in93l5j4/info/0/t/bgp0
>> sleep failed
>> sleep failed
>> sleep failed
>> Exception in sleep:
>> Arguments: [30]
>> Host: bgp0
>> Directory: sleep-20081001-1558-in93l5j4/jobs/g/s/sleep-gsski80j
>> stderr.txt:
>> stdout.txt:
>> zhao
>> Ben Clifford wrote:
>>> I was playing with this last week so have a patch in my stack:
>>> cd cog/
>>> wget http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/~benc/return-codes-1
>>> patch -p1 < ./return-codes-1
>>> This changes Swift behaviour but does not do anything to provider-deef,
>>> which might or might not work correctly at the moment.
>>> Running the tests in tests/misc/ by running ./run in that directory will
>>> help you test whether its working still or not - check they pass before you
>>> apply the patch, and then check afterwards too.

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