[Swift-devel] large run plot

Ben Clifford benc at hawaga.org.uk
Mon Nov 3 17:11:40 CST 2008

On Mon, 3 Nov 2008, Mihael Hategan wrote:

> So I tried to use the log tools to plot this rather large log. Various
> errors happened which ultimately led to the whole thing failing. The
> beast is /home/hategan/logs/modgenproc-20081103-1350-1ht9bn7d.log @ci.

I just ran with a fresh checkout of log-processing r 2318 (last changed 
r2296) on communicado, and it completes giving this:


On the way, there are some errors about head -n needing parameters, which 
I have not seen before but will investigate; these are non-fatal except 
that they prevent the generation of certain graphs.

Does this correspond with what you saw? If not, please send more detail.


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