[Swift-devel] Re: Is there a way to make swift send 256 tasks at a time

Ben Clifford benc at hawaga.org.uk
Wed Jul 23 04:42:56 CDT 2008

On Tue, 22 Jul 2008, Michael Wilde wrote:

> I suspect we could try a patch that prevents the score from changing.

You could, though settings as you described should keep the system 
saturated just about right anyway; if something breaks in one pset, then 
allowing swift to stop using that pset will be a feature not a bug in 
terms of proper run completion... as you note yourself...

> Lastly, note that the fact that the score can drop might eventually prove
> useful in handling psets that go bad in the middle of long runs. We dont have
> enough experience yet to see how frequent that will be at 640 psets, or how
> such errors wil be manifested.

So I'd be inclined to not interfere with the code; you can use jobThrottle 
and initialScore to say you want about 256 jobs and to start at full 
steam, and I think that should suffice.


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