[Swift-devel] Question regarding ip.address

Zhao Zhang zhaozhang at uchicago.edu
Tue Jul 22 11:33:00 CDT 2008


I have a question about the following parameter of swift.
1. Is this feature enabled in current release of swift?
2. If I specify it as "swift -ip.address first.swift", is 
that correct?



    Valid values: /|<ipaddress>|/

    Default value: N/A

    The Globus GRAM service uses a callback mechanism to send
    notifications about the status of submitted jobs. The callback
    mechanism requires that the Swift client be reachable from the hosts
    the GRAM services are running on. Normally, Swift can detect the
    correct IP address of the client machine. However, in certain cases
    (such as the client machine having more than one network interface)
    the automatic detection mechanism is not reliable. In such cases,
    the IP address of the Swift client machine can be specified using
    this property. The value of this property must be a numeric address
    without quotes.

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