[Swift-devel] Re: Question and update on swift script

Mihael Hategan hategan at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Jan 29 15:39:25 CST 2008

Mike is probably on or around a plane.

Here's my feeble attempt at it. 


On Fri, 2008-01-25 at 10:20 -0600, James Simone wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Could you please send us your target version of the 2-pt QCD workflow?
> The target swiftscipt would not necessarily be able to run with current
> swift, but it would include syntax changes that are/will be under development.
> 	Thanks,
> 	--jim
> Michael Wilde wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I made some good progress yesterday in understanding the swift code for 
> > the 2ptHL workflow, and started revising it.
> > 
> > Im doing the following:
> > - giving all files a mnemonic type name
> > - creating compound types that encapsulate each data/info file pair
> > - putting each set of nested foreach loops into a procedure (for better 
> > abstraction)
> > - changing the mapper to tie it to each data type
> > 
> > For now, Im also pulling the two cache-loading functions out of the 
> > workflow, as it seems like these should be part of the runtime 
> > environment, rather than in the workflow script. Do you feel the same?
> > 
> > I *thought* that you had a set of wrappers that were python stubs for 
> > simulated execution, but the wrappers Don sent me looked like wrappers 
> > that call the *real* code. So for now I'll create my own simple stubs to 
> > test the data flow with.
> > 
> > Ive got many more questions that Im collecting, but for now I only need 
> > the answer to this one:
> > 
> > In the nested loops that call the function Onia() (lines 136-148 in the 
> > attached numbered listing), is the actual call at line 145 correct?
> > This call is passing the same "HeavyQuarkConverted" as both the 
> > anti-quark and quark1. Im assuming that is the correct intent.
> > Also, its passing only the wave[1] wave file (1S) each time (second of 
> > the three wave files d, 1S, 2S). (Same is true for BStaggered).
> > 
> > Lastly, Onia seems to be getting called with successive pairs of 
> > converted heavy quark files, but it seems like the final call is going 
> > to get a null file for the second file, as the value of "bindex" will be 
> > one past the last converted heavy quark file computed.
> > 
> > Im looking for ways to avoid the way the current script needs to compute 
> > the various array indices, but Im not likely to find something that 
> > doesnt require a language change. Was this approach of computing the 
> > indices something that your team liked, or did not like, about this 
> > swift script?
> > 
> > I'll try to send more details and questions as I proceed.
> > A few of these are below. If you have a moment to consider these, that 
> > will help me get a better understanding of the environment.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > - Mike
> > 
> > qcopy: I need to learn more about how you manage data and use dcache, 
> > but for now, I get the essence if this. Can you point me to a qcopy doc 
> > page though? I couldnt find one.
> > 
> > tag_array_mapper: I can guess how this works, but can you send me the 
> > code for it? It seems like the order in which it fills the array must 
> > match the index computations in your swift script. Looks to me like the 
> > leftmost tag in the format script is varied fastest (ie, is the "least 
> > significant index"). Is this correct?
> > 
> > kappa value passing bug: you allude to this in a comment.  Was this a 
> > swift problem or a problem in the py wrapper?  Resolved or still open? 
> > If Swift, I can test to see if I can reproduce it. But I suspect you 
> > were testing against a pretty old version of swift?
> > 
> > Is the notion of an "info" file paired with most data files a standard 
> > metadata convention for LQCD? (Ie, Im assuming that this is done 
> > throughout your apps, not just in this swift example, right?  If so, it 
> > seems to justify a mapping convention so that you can simply pass a 
> > "Quark" object, and have the data and info files passed automatically, 
> > together. You can then dereference the object top extract each field 
> > (file).
> > 
> > Are the file naming conventions set by the tag mapper the ones already 
> > in use by the current workflow system? I.e., the order of the foreach 
> > loops and hence of the mappings was chosen carefully to match the 
> > existing file-naming conventions?
> > 
> > How is the name of the ensemble chosen? Does it have a relation to the 
> > phyarams? Is it a database key? (It seems opaque to the current swift 
> > example. Is that by preference or was there a desire to expose its 
> > structure? Its its contents related to the phyparams?  Or when looked up 
> > in a DB, does it yield the phyparams?
> > 
> > 
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-------------- next part --------------
type Template;
type Gauge;
type Quark;
type Stag;
type Clover;
type QuarkArchive;
type StagArchive;

app (Gauge gauge) stageIn(Template t, String config) {
	stageIn "-v" "-i" filename(t) "-c" config "-o" filename(gauge);

app (Stag stags[]) stagSolve(Gauge gauge, String mass, String source) {
	stagSolve "-v" "-g" filename(gauge) "-m" mass "-s" source "-o" filename(stags);

app (Clover out) cloverSolve(String kappa, String cSW, Gauge gauge, String source) {
	cloverSolve "-v" "-k" kappa "-c" cSW "-g" filename(gauge) 
		"-s" source "-o" filename(out);

app (Quark q) cvt12x12(Clover c) {
	CVT12x12 "-v" "-i" filename(c) "-o" filename(q);

app (QuarkArchive a) archive(Quark q) {
	Archive "-v" "-i" filename(q) "-o" filename(a);

app (StagArchive a) archiveStag(String mass, Stag stags[]) {
	ArchiveStag "-v" "-m" mass "-i" filename(stags) "-o" filename(a);

app (file sdo) twoPtHH(Gauge gauge, Quark antiQ, Quark Q0, Quark Q1, Quark Q2) {
	TwoPtHH "-v" "-g" filename(gauge) "-a" antiQ 
		"-0" Q0 "-1" Q1 "-2" Q2 stdout=filename(sdo);

app (file sdo) twoPtSH(Gauge gauge, Quark stag, Quark antiQ, Quark Q0, Quark Q1, Quark Q2) {
	TwoPtSH "-v" "-g" filename(gauge) "-s" stag "-a" antiQ 
		"-0" Q0 "-1" Q1 "-2" Q2 stdout=filename(sdo);

String[] confList=["000102","000108","000114"];

String ensemble = "l4096f21b708m0031m031";
String kappaQ = "0.127"; 
String cSW = "1.75";

String mass = "0.005,0.007,0.01,0.02,0.03";
String[] fn = ["m0.005_000102 m0.007_000102 m0.01_000102 m0.02_000102 m0.03_000102",
		"m0.005_000108 m0.007_000108 m0.01_000108 m0.02_000108 m0.03_000108",
		"m0.005_000114 m0.007_000114 m0.01_000114 m0.02_000114 m0.03_000114"];
String[] configs = ["local,0,0,0,0", "wavefunction,0,1S", "wavefunction,0,2S"];

foreach config,i in conflist {

	# gauge template name 
	Template template <"foo">;

	Gauge gauge = stageIn(template, configs[0]);

	Stag stags[] <fixed_array_mapper; files=fn>; 
	stags = stagSolve(gauge, mass, source);
	StagArchive stagTar <simple_mapper; suffix=".tar">;
	stagTar = archiveStag(mass, stags);
	Quark[] q;
	QuarkArchive[] cvtArch;
	for i in [0:2] {
		Clover clover = cloverSolve(kappaQ, cSW, gauge, sources[i]);
		q[i] = cvt12x12(clover);
		cvtArch[i] = archive(q[i]);
	Quark antiQ = q[0];
	file pStdout = twoPtHH(gauge, antiQ, q[0], q[1], q[2]);
	foreach stag in stags {
		file sStdout = twoPtSH(gauge, stag, antiQ, q[0], q[1], q[2]);

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