[Swift-devel] Can not reach advertised gridftp server on Abe

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Apr 14 13:49:24 CDT 2008

Hi Help Team,

When I try to reach the gridftp server on Abe advertised in the Userinfo 
pages at, which is:


on page:


then I get the following error:

# my cert is ok:

login$ globus-job-run grid-abe.ncsa.teragrid.org /bin/hostname

# this fails:

login$ globus-url-copy file:///etc/passwd 

error: globus_ftp_client: the server responded with an error
530 530-Login incorrect. : IPC connection failed.
530-globus_xio_gsi: gss_init_sec_context failed.
530-GSS Major Status: Unexpected Gatekeeper or Service Name
530-globus_gsi_gssapi: Authorization denied: The name of the remote host 
(abe-ipib-gw02.ncsa.uiuc.edu), and the expected name for the remote host 
(abe-gw02) do not match. This happens when the name in the host 
certificate does not match the information obtained from DNS and is 
often a DNS configuration problem.
530 End.

# while gridftp to the GRAM gatekeeper host works:

login$ globus-url-copy file:///etc/passwd 


A problem due to multi-homed hosts or multiple hostname aliases?

Is gridftp-abe a beefier data server than grid-abe, and if so should the 
problem above get fixed?


- Mike

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