[Swift-devel] slow swift startup time

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Nov 5 18:46:00 CST 2007

Im running on tg-login.uc.teragrid.org (IA64) and seeing very long swift 
start times.

My swift command wrapper prints the wf start and end times with the 
swift stdout sandwiched in between.  Here's an example of those, 
followed by the swift log file. In this run, i start swift in the 
background, then tail the stdout file. it was about 70 seconds (on my 
watch) before swift responded with its initial messages on stdout. (I 
dont think its being buffered, but thats worth checking...)

Note that swift was launched at 18:30:49 and its logfile entry with the 
runid came at 18:32:05.  32:05-30:49 = 76 seconds!

This was swift 1456 compiled on terminable (or login, i forget).

Suspicious: when I was running a version compiled in tg-login under Java 
1.4 I would get an error message from a Java method trying to lock the 
log file. Not sure if this logging action (which now does not give a 
message) is related to this slow start time.

- Mike

UC64$ cat swift.out
Swift Script local-noks.swift starting at Mon Nov 5 18:30:49 CST 2007

Swift v0.3-dev r1456

RunID: 20071105-1831-d7t5l2n3
angle4 started
angle4 started
angle4 started
angle4 started
angle4 started
angle4 completed
angle4 completed
angle4 completed
angle4 completed
angle4 completed

Swift Script local-noks.swift ended at Mon Nov 5 18:32:34 CST 2007 with 
exit code 0

UC64$ head awf*.log
2007-11-05 18:31:09,566-0600 INFO  Loader awf6.swift: source file is 
new. Recompiling.
2007-11-05 18:31:30,454-0600 INFO  Karajan Validation of XML 
intermediate file was successful
2007-11-05 18:31:55,465-0600 INFO  unknown Using sites file: ./sites.xml
2007-11-05 18:31:55,466-0600 INFO  unknown Using tc.data: ./tc.data
2007-11-05 18:32:05,518-0600 INFO  unknown Swift v0.3-dev r1456

2007-11-05 18:32:05,520-0600 INFO  unknown RunID: 20071105-1831-d7t5l2n3
2007-11-05 18:32:06,701-0600 INFO  AbstractDataNode Found data 
2007-11-05 18:32:06,702-0600 INFO  AbstractDataNode Found data 
2007-11-05 18:32:06,702-0600 INFO  AbstractDataNode Found data 

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