[Swift-devel] MolDyn at Purdue

Ian Foster foster at mcs.anl.gov
Thu May 10 13:34:18 CDT 2007

we don't want to do that ("carry the project information on a per job 
basis, and charge it to a (potentially) different project each job")

Ioan Raicu wrote:
> So I made the modifications to the code that generates the GRAM RSL to 
> take a command line arguement -project ..., which then is simply 
> passed to the RSL file as <project> ... </project>.  At the moment, 
> this is something that needs to be set in Falkon at startup, and all 
> resources provisioned by Falkon will use the same project.   For now I 
> think we have a solution that works at the various TG sites, and it is 
> not tightly integrated with Swift. 
> The issue is much more complex if you want Swift to carry the project 
> information on a per job basis, and charge it to a (potentially) 
> different project each job. 
> Ioan
> Ben Clifford wrote:
>> not sure whether you're looking to make this code more closely integrated 
>> with swift and/or a product rather than a research project, but you might 
>> make the below submission use profile information from the site catalog 
>> (and transformation catalog?) - it doesn't look like you're doing anything 
>> fancy in the submission.
>> On Wed, 9 May 2007, Ioan Raicu wrote:
>>> Hmmm... I don't know.  If you know what modifications we need to make to the
>>> GRAM4 RSL to include the specific project, we can simply modify the RSL by
>>> changing the create function to add the extra info into the RSL... its a minor
>>> change, but we'd have to recompile the DRP stuff again.  If we can't add it to
>>> the RSL, then I don't know any other place to put this.  Anyone have any
>>> ideas?  I am using the GRAM4 Java API directly in the DRP code.
>>> Ioan
>>> PS: Here is a sample RSL...
>>> iraicu at tg-viz-login1:~/java/Falkon_v0.8/worker> cat
>>> RSL.0.0.ia32-compute.1.120.14898358.xml
>>> <job>
>>>    <executable>/home/iraicu/java/Falkon_v0.8/worker/run.worker.sh</executable>
>>>    <directory>/home/iraicu/java/Falkon_v0.8/worker</directory>
>>>    <argument>6900000</argument>
>>>    <argument>1500000</argument>
>>>    <maxWallTime>120</maxWallTime>
>>>    <extensions>
>>>         <resourceAllocationGroup>
>>>            <hostType>ia32-compute</hostType>
>>>            <hostCount>1</hostCount>
>>>            <cpuCount>1</cpuCount>
>>>            <processCount>1</processCount>
>>>         </resourceAllocationGroup>
>>>     </extensions>
>>> </job>
>>> My guess is that we could add something like
>>> <project> ... </project>
>>> but I am not sure...
>>> If no one knows how to do this off the top of their heads, I'll look it up!
>>> Veronika Nefedova wrote:
>>>> Hi, Ioan:
>>>> How do I add my project info into Falcon? (I can't submit anything to PBS
>>>> queue unless I specify the project)
>>>> Nika
>>>> On May 9, 2007, at 12:16 PM, Ben Clifford wrote:
>>>>> Do this:
>>>>> edit your site catalog to add an entry <profile namespace="globus"
>>>>> key="project">TG-STA040020N</profile> for the purdue site, add an entry
>>>>> <profile namespace="globus"
>>>>> key="project">TG-WHATEVERYOURGRANTNUMBERIS</profile>
>>>>> -- 
> -- 
> ============================================
> Ioan Raicu
> Ph.D. Student
> ============================================
> Distributed Systems Laboratory
> Computer Science Department
> University of Chicago
> 1100 E. 58th Street, Ryerson Hall
> Chicago, IL 60637
> ============================================
> Email: iraicu at cs.uchicago.edu
> Web:   http://www.cs.uchicago.edu/~iraicu
>        http://dsl.cs.uchicago.edu/
> ============================================
> ============================================
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   Ian Foster, Director, Computation Institute
Argonne National Laboratory & University of Chicago
Argonne: MCS/221, 9700 S. Cass Ave, Argonne, IL 60439
Chicago: Rm 405, 5640 S. Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60637
Tel: +1 630 252 4619.  Web: www.ci.uchicago.edu.
      Globus Alliance: www.globus.org.

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