[Swift-devel] remote file/directory stuff (bug 22)

Ben Clifford benc at hawaga.org.uk
Fri May 4 08:38:10 CDT 2007

On Tue, 27 Feb 2007, Mihael Hategan wrote:

> If you can make this translate into something like vdl:(in|
> out)appmapping(var, path, dest), preferably after the stagein/stageout
> directives, I can probably make it work.

I have a patch that (at least for input files) makes this:

type file;

(file o) cat(file f) {
  app {
    cat "in.txt" stdout=@o;
    f < "in.txt";

file a <"hello.txt">;
file b <"output.txt">;


turn into this kml (fragment):

      <vdl:stagein var="{f}"/>
      <vdl:stageout var="{o}"/>
            <vdl:getfield path=""><variable>o</variable></vdl:getfield>

However, I have no implementation of the <vdl:inappmapping> element. I 
guess its time for me to poke round at the guts of vdl.k a bit more.


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