[Swift-devel] LQCD meeting at Fermi

Ben Clifford benc at hawaga.org.uk
Fri Jun 1 17:20:42 CDT 2007

On Fri, 1 Jun 2007, Veronika Nefedova wrote:

> - DB-mapper: users have an elaborate input data structures, keep it in the DB,
> so it would be nice to have a mapper that would read the input from the DB.
> This feature is in the works (?)

(i) The *data* in a DB, or 

(ii) paths to datafiles in the DB with actual data 
stored in disk files?

(i) is much harder than (ii)

> - Dealing with absolute path:                                                   
>  LQCD uses dcache, which requires copying to/from some absolute path.  

By this do you mean that their input/output files are stored in the unix 
filesystem on the submit node, but in some directory that is not the pwd, 
and that that directory causes files to be accessed from dcache?

dcache has other access methods, such as gridftp (I think). Do you know if 
they use that? in some cases, but maybe not this case, staging from dcache 
ftp server to site workspace without going via submit node.


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