[Swift-devel] On demand weather forecast using Swift
Dr. Raffaele Montella
raffaele.montella at uniparthenope.it
Fri Dec 7 14:16:00 CST 2007
just to practicing in swift I'm porting my grid application for on demand
weather forecast from a xml based workflow engine to Swift a workflow.
The Swift expression capability is great.
With this email here you are my (not full working) Swift code.
I have few questions:
1) The most part of functions retrieves and array of files I
implemented using the filesys_mapper. I hope I used the right syntax, but
Swift simply does nothing. I mean, the job is not submitted to the remote
machine. I have to stop it with CTRL+C. On the logfile I have this message:
2007-12-07 20:07:49,210+0000 DEBUG Loader Recompilation suppressed.
2007-12-07 20:07:52,507+0000 INFO unknown Using sites file: sites.xml
2007-12-07 20:07:52,508+0000 INFO unknown Using tc.data: tc.data
2007-12-07 20:07:54,287+0000 WARN JavaUtils Unable to find required classes
(javax.activation.DataHandler and javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart).
Attachment support is disabled.
2007-12-07 20:07:56,560+0000 INFO unknown Swift v0.3-dev r1507
2007-12-07 20:07:56,563+0000 INFO unknown RunID: 20071207-2007-95unaxd2
2007-12-07 20:07:56,898+0000 INFO AbstractDataNode Adding handle listener
"Open, 0 elements, no listeners" to "terrainDomains.$[]/0"
2007-12-07 20:07:56,927+0000 INFO AbstractDataNode Adding handle listener
"F/terrainDomains.$[]/0" to "terrainDomains.$[]/0"
2) All modules belonging my applications want in the ./input input
files and produce in ./output their results. I never reached this point
because the point 1 fails, how work the file mapper in this case? I mean, if
the regrid produces the regridDomains array of files mapped somewhere but
./output/REGRID_DOMAINx.gz when it is staged-in as input for the interpf
where it is copied? ./output/. ? Eventually, how can I change this behavior
in order to stage in in ./input what previously whas staged out from
Thank you in advance,
A Swift enthusiastic - Raffaele
The Swift Workflow:
// Data type definition
type terrainDomainType;
type initialDataType;
type dataFileType;
type sstFileType;
type snowFileType;
type regridDomainType;
type mmInputDomainType;
type bdyOutDomainType;
type lowBdyDomainType;
type mmOutputDomainType;
// Terrain function
(terrainDomainType terrainDomains[])terrain(string lon, string lat, int
nests) {
app { terrain lon lat nests @terrainDomains; }
// Pregrid function
(dataFileType dataFiles[], sstFileType sstFiles[], snowFileType snowFiles[]
)pregrid(string iDate, int hours, initialDataType initalData) {
app { pregrid iDate hours @filename(initaialData) @dataFiles @sstFiles
@snowFiles; }
// Regrid function
(regridDomainType regridDomains[]) regrdi( terrainDomainType terrainDomain,
dataFileType dataFiles, sstFileType sstFiles, snowFileType snowFiles) {
app { regrid @terrainDomain @dataFiles @sstFIles @snowFiles
@regridDomains; }
// Interpf function
(mmInputDomainType mmInputDomains[], bdyOutDomainType dbyOutDomains[],
lowBdyDomainType lowBdyDomains[]) interpf (regridDomainType regridDomain) {
app { interpf @regridDomain @mmInputDomains @dbyOutDOmains @lowBdyDomains;
// Mpp (parallel MM5) function
(mmOutputDomainType mmOutputDomains[])mmp( terrainDomainType
terrainDomains[], mmInputDomainType mmInputDomains[], bdyOutDomainType
dbyOutDomains[], lowBdyDomainType lowBdyDomains[]) {
app { mmp @terrainDomains @mmInputDomains @bdyOutDomains @lowBdyDomains
@mmOutputDomains; }
// Terrain output
terrainDomainType terrainDomains[] <filesys_mapper;location="./output/",
prefix="TERRAIN_DOMAIN", suffix=".gz">;
// Pregrid input data
initialDataType initialData[] <filesys_mapper;
071207Z00", prefix="gfs">;
// Pregrid outputs
dataFileType dataFiles[] <filesys_mapper;location="./output/",
prefix="FILE", suffix=".gz">;
sstFileType sstFiles[] <filesys_mapper;location="./output/", prefix="SST",
snowFileType snowFiles[] <filesys_mapper;location="./output/",
prefix="SNOW", suffix=".gz">;
// Regrid outputs
regridDomainType regridDomains[] <filesys_mapper; location="./output/",
prefix="REGRID_DOMAIN", suffix=".gz">;
// Interpf outputs
mmInputDomainType mmInputDomains[] <filesys_mapper; location="./output/",
prefix="MMINPUT_DOMAIN", suffix=".gz">;
bdyOutDomainType bdyOutDomains[] <filesys_mapper; location="./output/",
prefix="BDYOUT_DOMAIN", suffix=".gz">;
lowBdyDomainType lowBdyDomains[] <filesys_mapper; location="./output/",
prefix="LOWBDY_DOMAIN", suffix=".gz">;
// MM5 output arrays
mmOutputDomainType mmOutputDomains[] <filesys_mapper; location="./output/",
prefix="MMOUTPUT_DOMAIN", suffix=".gz">;
// THE WORKFLOW: on demand weather forecast
// Create the terrain centered on Chicago Pier (two nest levels, max ground
resolution 27km)
terrainDomains = terrain("-87.5992", "41.8919", 2);
// Retrieve initial and boundary conditions and prepare data files for next
//(dataFiles, sstFiles, snowFiles) = pregrid( "20071207Z00", 24,
// Prepare data for each nested domain...
foreach terrainDomain,i in terrainDomains
// Interpolate initial and boundary conditions over the terrain model
//regridFiles[i] = regrid( terrainDomain, dataFiles, sstFiles, snowFiles);
// Perform more forward interpolation and produce input data form MM5
//(mmInputDomains[i],bdyOutDomains[i],lowBdyDomains[i]) =
// Run the model
//mmOutputDomains = mpp(terrainDomains, mmInputDomains, bdyOutDomains,
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