[Swift-commit] r7133 - SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp

yadunandb at ci.uchicago.edu yadunandb at ci.uchicago.edu
Fri Oct 4 11:35:12 CDT 2013

Author: yadunandb
Date: 2013-10-04 11:35:12 -0500 (Fri, 04 Oct 2013)
New Revision: 7133

Committing latest working version of TurboChirp on Beagle

Modified: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/combiner.sh
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/combiner.sh	2013-10-04 16:33:52 UTC (rev 7132)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/combiner.sh	2013-10-04 16:35:12 UTC (rev 7133)
@@ -20,9 +20,10 @@
     if [ "$HOST" != "$CURRENT_HOST" ]
         # Fetch if file is remote
-        chirp_get $HOST $TARGET /tmp/$TARGET.imd
-        RES=($(awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum,NR }' /tmp/$TARGET.imd))
-        rm /tmp/$TARGET.imd &> /dev/null &
+        chirp_get $HOST $TARGET /dev/shm/$TARGET.imd
+        echo "$HOST $TARGET /dev/shm/$TARGET.imd : ";cat /dev/shm/$TARGET.imd
+        RES=($(awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum,NR }' /dev/shm/$TARGET.imd))
+        rm /dev/shm/$TARGET.imd &> /dev/null &
         # Process directly if file is local
         RES=($(awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum,NR }' $FILE))
@@ -42,7 +43,8 @@
 SUM=$(awk '{ sum += $1 } END { print sum }' $ID*imd2)
 COUNT=$(awk '{ sum += $2 } END { print sum }' $ID*imd2)
+echo "$SUM $COUNT"
 rm $ID*{imd,imd2} &> /dev/null &
 exit 0
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/local_combiner.sh
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/local_combiner.sh	2013-10-04 16:33:52 UTC (rev 7132)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/local_combiner.sh	2013-10-04 16:35:12 UTC (rev 7133)
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
-#CURRENT_HOST=$(hostname -f)
+CURRENT_HOST=$(hostname -f)
@@ -45,5 +45,6 @@
 COUNT=$(awk '{ sum += $2 } END { print sum }' $ID*imd2)
+echo "$SUM $COUNT"
 rm $ID*{imd,imd2} &> /dev/null &
 exit 0
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/run.sh
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/run.sh	2013-10-04 16:33:52 UTC (rev 7132)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/run.sh	2013-10-04 16:35:12 UTC (rev 7133)
@@ -7,6 +7,11 @@
+#export PATH=$PATH
 export TURBINE_LOG=1

Modified: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/teragen.swift
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/teragen.swift	2013-10-04 16:33:52 UTC (rev 7132)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/teragen.swift	2013-10-04 16:35:12 UTC (rev 7133)
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@
-    file wrapper = input_file("teragen_wrap.sh");
+    file wrapper = input_file("/lustre/beagle/yadunandb/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/teragen_wrap.sh");
 	file tgen_out[];
-    //int loop = 10;
-    int loop=toint(argv("loop"));
-    //int fsize = 1;
-    int fsize = toint(argv("fsize"));
+    int loop = 10;
+    //int loop=toint(argv("loop"));
+    int fsize = 1;
+    //int fsize = toint(argv("fsize"));
     foreach item,i in [0:loop-1] {
         file out <sprintf("intermediate/tgen_%i.out", i)>;
@@ -39,37 +39,43 @@
-    file jobs_per_site = input_file("jobs_per_site.sh");
-    file combiner_list <"uniq_sites">;
+    file jobs_per_site = input_file("/lustre/beagle/yadunandb/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/jobs_per_site.sh");
+    file combiner_list <"intermediate/uniq_sites">;
     combiner_list = get_uniq_sites(jobs_per_site, tgen_out);
     string sites[] = split(read(combiner_list), "\n");
-    file local_combine = input_file("local_combiner.sh");
+    file local_combine = input_file("/lustre/beagle/yadunandb/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/local_combiner.sh");
     //Here we are forcing jobs to sites to run local combiners
     file comb_out[];
     foreach site,i in sites {
+      // TODO: Add check for site being empty string
+      if ( strlen(site) > 0 ){
         file out1 <sprintf("intermediate/sitecomb_%i.out", i)>;
         file err1 <sprintf("intermediate/sitecomb_%i.err", i)>;
         string site_info[] = split(site, " ");
-        location rank = hostmap_one(site_info[0]);
-        //printf("Site: %s Rank: %i String: %s\n", site_info[0], rank, site);
+        //TODO:  hostmap_one_worker
+        location rank = hostmap_one_worker(site_info[0]);
+        printf("Site: %s Rank: %i String: %s\n", site_info[0], rank, site);
         (out1, err1) = @location=rank comb_data_local(local_combine, site); 
         comb_out[i] = out1;    
+      }else{
+        printf("Empty string\n");
+      }          
     foreach file_item in comb_out {
       printf("Item in comb_out : %s \n", filename(file_item));
-    file combine = input_file("combiner.sh");
+    file combine = input_file("/lustre/beagle/yadunandb/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/combiner.sh");
     // We are doing a simple single step reduce here
     file final <"final_result">;
     file errs  <"final_errs">;
     (final, errs) = comb_data (combine, comb_out );

Modified: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/teragen.tcl
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/teragen.tcl	2013-10-04 16:33:52 UTC (rev 7132)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/teragen.tcl	2013-10-04 16:35:12 UTC (rev 7133)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 # Generated by stc version 0.2.0
-# date                    : 2013/08/15 15:37:06
+# date                    : 2013/09/30 14:05:49
 # Turbine version         : 0.3.0
-# Input filename          : /nfs2/yadunand/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/teragen.swift
-# Output filename         : /nfs2/yadunand/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp
-# STC home                : /nfs2/wozniak/Public/stc
-# Turbine home            : /homes/wozniak/Public/turbine
+# Input filename          : /lustre/beagle/yadunandb/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/teragen.swift
+# Output filename         : /lustre/beagle/yadunandb/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp
+# STC home                : /lustre/beagle/yadunandb/bin/exm-install/stc
+# Turbine home            : /lustre/beagle/yadunandb/bin/exm-install/turbine
 # Compiler settings:
 # stc.auto-declare              : true
 # stc.c_preprocess              : true
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 # stc.log.trace                 : false
 # stc.must_pass_wait_vars       : true
 # stc.opt.algebra               : false
+# stc.opt.array-build           : true
 # stc.opt.cancel-refcounts      : true
 # stc.opt.constant-fold         : true
 # stc.opt.controlflow-fusion    : true
@@ -51,9 +52,9 @@
 # stc.preprocess_only           : false
 # stc.profile                   : false
 # stc.rpath                     : 
-# stc.stc_home                  : /nfs2/wozniak/Public/stc
+# stc.stc_home                  : /lustre/beagle/yadunandb/bin/exm-install/stc
 # stc.turbine.version           : 0.3.0
-# stc.turbine_home              : /homes/wozniak/Public/turbine
+# stc.turbine_home              : /lustre/beagle/yadunandb/bin/exm-install/turbine
 # stc.version                   : 0.2.0
 # Metadata:
@@ -64,243 +65,54 @@
 proc swift:constants {  } {
     turbine::c::log "function:swift:constants"
+    global c:i_1
+    turbine::allocate_custom c:i_1 integer 1 1 1
+    turbine::store_integer ${c:i_1} 1
     global c:s__
     turbine::allocate_custom c:s__ string 1 1 1
-    turbine::store_string ${c:s__} "\n"
+    turbine::store_string ${c:s__} " "
     global c:s__-1
     turbine::allocate_custom c:s__-1 string 1 1 1
-    turbine::store_string ${c:s__-1} " "
-    global c:s_combiner_s
-    turbine::allocate_custom c:s_combiner_s string 1 1 1
-    turbine::store_string ${c:s_combiner_s} "combiner.sh"
-    global c:s_jobs_per_s
-    turbine::allocate_custom c:s_jobs_per_s string 1 1 1
-    turbine::store_string ${c:s_jobs_per_s} "jobs_per_site.sh"
-    global c:s_local_comb
-    turbine::allocate_custom c:s_local_comb string 1 1 1
-    turbine::store_string ${c:s_local_comb} "local_combiner.sh"
-    global c:s_teragen_wr
-    turbine::allocate_custom c:s_teragen_wr string 1 1 1
-    turbine::store_string ${c:s_teragen_wr} "teragen_wrap.sh"
+    turbine::store_string ${c:s__-1} "\n"
-proc f:ternary { stack u:o u:b u:i1 u:i2 } {
-    turbine::c::log "enter function: ternary"
-    turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:i1} 1
-    turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:b} 1
-    turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:i2} 1
-    turbine::rule [ list ${u:b} ${u:i1} ${u:i2} ] "ternary-argwait ${stack} ${u:b} ${u:o} ${u:i2} ${u:i1}"
-proc ternary-argwait { stack u:b u:o u:i2 u:i1 } {
-    # Value __v_b with type $boolean was defined
-    # Value __v_i1 with type $int was defined
-    # Value __v_i2 with type $int was defined
-    # Value __v_o with type $int was defined
-    set v:b [ turbine::retrieve_integer ${u:b} CACHED 1 ]
-    set v:i1 [ turbine::retrieve_integer ${u:i1} CACHED 1 ]
-    set v:i2 [ turbine::retrieve_integer ${u:i2} CACHED 1 ]
-    if { ${v:b} } { set v:o ${v:i1} } else { set v:o ${v:i2} }
-    turbine::store_integer ${u:o} ${v:o}
-proc f:file_type { stack u:t u:f } {
-    turbine::c::log "enter function: file_type"
-    turbine::file_read_refcount_incr ${u:f} 1
-    turbine::rule [ list [ turbine::get_file_status ${u:f} ] ] "file_type-argwait ${stack} {${u:f}} ${u:t}"
-proc file_type-argwait { stack u:f u:t } {
-    # Value __v_f with type $file was defined
-    # Value __v_t with type $string was defined
-    set v:f [ turbine::get_file ${u:f} 1 ]
-    set v:t [ file type [ lindex ${v:f} 0 ] ]
-    turbine::store_string ${u:t} ${v:t}
-proc f:file_exists { stack u:o u:f } {
-    turbine::c::log "enter function: file_exists"
-    turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:f} 1
-    turbine::rule [ list ${u:f} ] "file_exists-argwait ${stack} ${u:f} ${u:o}"
-proc file_exists-argwait { stack u:f u:o } {
-    # Value __v_f with type $string was defined
-    # Value __v_o with type $boolean was defined
-    set v:f [ turbine::retrieve_string ${u:f} CACHED 1 ]
-    set v:o [ file exists ${v:f} ]
-    turbine::store_integer ${u:o} ${v:o}
-proc f:file_mtime { stack u:o u:f } {
-    turbine::c::log "enter function: file_mtime"
-    turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:f} 1
-    turbine::rule [ list ${u:f} ] "file_mtime-argwait ${stack} ${u:f} ${u:o}"
-proc file_mtime-argwait { stack u:f u:o } {
-    # Value __v_f with type $string was defined
-    # Value __v_o with type $int was defined
-    set v:f [ turbine::retrieve_string ${u:f} CACHED 1 ]
-    set v:o [ file mtime ${v:f} ]
-    turbine::store_integer ${u:o} ${v:o}
-proc f:strlen { stack u:n u:s } {
-    turbine::c::log "enter function: strlen"
-    turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:s} 1
-    turbine::rule [ list ${u:s} ] "strlen-argwait ${stack} ${u:s} ${u:n}"
-proc strlen-argwait { stack u:s u:n } {
-    # Value __v_s with type $string was defined
-    # Value __v_n with type $int was defined
-    set v:s [ turbine::retrieve_string ${u:s} CACHED 1 ]
-    set v:n [ string length ${v:s} ]
-    turbine::store_integer ${u:n} ${v:n}
-proc f:trim { stack u:o u:s } {
-    turbine::c::log "enter function: trim"
-    turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:s} 1
-    turbine::rule [ list ${u:s} ] "trim-argwait ${stack} ${u:s} ${u:o}"
-proc trim-argwait { stack u:s u:o } {
-    # Value __v_s with type $string was defined
-    # Value __v_o with type $string was defined
-    set v:s [ turbine::retrieve_string ${u:s} CACHED 1 ]
-    set v:o [ string trim ${v:s} ]
-    turbine::store_string ${u:o} ${v:o}
-proc f:hash { stack u:h u:s } {
-    turbine::c::log "enter function: hash"
-    turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:s} 1
-    turbine::rule [ list ${u:s} ] "hash-argwait ${stack} ${u:s} ${u:h}"
-proc hash-argwait { stack u:s u:h } {
-    # Value __v_s with type $string was defined
-    # Value __v_h with type $int was defined
-    set v:s [ turbine::retrieve_string ${u:s} CACHED 1 ]
-    set v:h [ c_utils::hash ${v:s} ]
-    turbine::store_integer ${u:h} ${v:h}
-proc f:clock_seconds { stack u:t } {
-    turbine::c::log "enter function: clock_seconds"
-    # Value __v_t with type $int was defined
-    set v:t [ clock seconds ]
-    turbine::store_integer ${u:t} ${v:t}
-proc f:clock { stack u:t } {
-    turbine::c::log "enter function: clock"
-    # Value __v_t with type $float was defined
-    set v:t [ expr {[ clock clicks -milliseconds ] / 1000.0 } ]
-    turbine::store_float ${u:t} ${v:t}
-proc f:location_from_rank { stack u:loc u:rank } {
-    turbine::c::log "enter function: location_from_rank"
-    turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:rank} 1
-    turbine::rule [ list ${u:rank} ] "location_from_rank-argwait ${stack} ${u:rank} ${u:loc}"
-proc location_from_rank-argwait { stack u:rank u:loc } {
-    # Value __v_rank with type $int was defined
-    # Value __v_loc with type $int was defined
-    set v:rank [ turbine::retrieve_integer ${u:rank} CACHED 1 ]
-    set v:loc ${v:rank}
-    turbine::store_integer ${u:loc} ${v:loc}
-proc f:random_worker { stack u:loc } {
-    turbine::c::log "enter function: random_worker"
-    # Value __v_loc with type $int was defined
-    set v:loc [ ::turbine::random_worker ]
-    turbine::store_integer ${u:loc} ${v:loc}
-proc f:random_engine { stack u:loc } {
-    turbine::c::log "enter function: random_engine"
-    # Value __v_loc with type $int was defined
-    set v:loc [ ::turbine::random_engine ]
-    turbine::store_integer ${u:loc} ${v:loc}
-proc f:hostmap_one { stack u:rank u:name } {
-    turbine::c::log "enter function: hostmap_one"
-    turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:name} 1
-    turbine::rule [ list ${u:name} ] "hostmap_one-argwait ${stack} ${u:rank} ${u:name}"
-proc hostmap_one-argwait { stack u:rank u:name } {
-    # Value __v_name with type $string was defined
-    # Value __v_rank with type $int was defined
-    set v:name [ turbine::retrieve_string ${u:name} CACHED 1 ]
-    set v:rank [ draw [ adlb::hostmap ${v:name} ] ]
-    turbine::store_integer ${u:rank} ${v:rank}
-proc f:hostmap_one_worker { stack u:rank u:name } {
-    turbine::c::log "enter function: hostmap_one_worker"
-    turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:name} 1
-    turbine::rule [ list ${u:name} ] "hostmap_one_worker-argwait ${stack} ${u:rank} ${u:name}"
-proc hostmap_one_worker-argwait { stack u:rank u:name } {
-    # Value __v_name with type $string was defined
-    # Value __v_rank with type $int was defined
-    set v:name [ turbine::retrieve_string ${u:name} CACHED 1 ]
-    set v:rank [ ::turbine::random_rank WORKER [ adlb::hostmap ${v:name} ] ]
-    turbine::store_integer ${u:rank} ${v:rank}
 proc f:gen_data { stack u:out u:err u:run u:recsize dr:location } {
     turbine::c::log "enter function: gen_data"
     # Alias __filename_run with type string was defined
     # Alias __filename_out with type string was defined
+    # Value __ov_mapped_out with type $boolean was defined
     # Alias __filename_err with type string was defined
+    # Value __ov_mapped_err with type $boolean was defined
     turbine::file_read_refcount_incr ${u:run} 1
     turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:recsize} 1
     set filename:run [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:run} ]
     turbine::read_refcount_incr ${filename:run} 1
-    set filename:out [ turbine::get_output_file_path ${u:out} ]
+    set optv:mapped_out [ turbine::is_file_mapped ${u:out} ]
+    if { ${optv:mapped_out} } {
+        set filename:out [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:out} ]
+    } else {
+        # Value __of_out with type $string was defined
+        set optf:out [ turbine::mktemp ]
+        turbine::set_filename_val ${u:out} ${optf:out}
+        set filename:out [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:out} ]
+    }
     turbine::read_refcount_incr ${filename:out} 1
-    set filename:err [ turbine::get_output_file_path ${u:err} ]
+    set optv:mapped_err [ turbine::is_file_mapped ${u:err} ]
+    if { ${optv:mapped_err} } {
+        set filename:err [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:err} ]
+    } else {
+        # Value __of_err with type $string was defined
+        set optf:err [ turbine::mktemp ]
+        turbine::set_filename_val ${u:err} ${optf:err}
+        set filename:err [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:err} ]
+    }
     turbine::read_refcount_incr ${filename:err} 1
-    turbine::rule [ list ${filename:err} ${filename:out} ${filename:run} ${u:recsize} [ turbine::get_file_status ${u:run} ] ] "gen_data-app-leaf0 ${stack} {${u:err}} ${filename:run} ${filename:out} ${filename:err} {${u:run}} ${u:recsize} {${u:out}}" target ${dr:location} type ${::turbine::WORK}
+    turbine::rule [ list ${filename:err} ${filename:out} ${filename:run} ${u:recsize} [ turbine::get_file_status ${u:run} ] ] "gen_data-app-leaf0 ${stack} ${optv:mapped_out} {${u:err}} ${filename:out} ${filename:run} ${optv:mapped_err} ${filename:err} {${u:run}} ${u:recsize} {${u:out}}" target ${dr:location} type ${::turbine::WORK}
-proc gen_data-app-leaf0 { stack u:err filename:run filename:out filename:err u:run u:recsize u:out } {
+proc gen_data-app-leaf0 { stack optv:mapped_out u:err filename:out filename:run optv:mapped_err filename:err u:run u:recsize u:out } {
     # Value __v___filename_run with type $string was defined
     # Value __v_recsize with type $int was defined
     # Value __v___filename_out with type $string was defined
@@ -313,10 +125,20 @@
     set v:__filename_out [ turbine::retrieve_string ${filename:out} CACHED 1 ]
     set v:__filename_err [ turbine::retrieve_string ${filename:err} CACHED 1 ]
     set v:run [ turbine::get_file ${u:run} 1 ]
+    if { ${optv:mapped_out} } {
+        set tcltmp:init_rc 2
+    } else {
+        set tcltmp:init_rc 1
+    }
+    set v:out [ turbine::create_local_file_ref ${v:__filename_out} ${tcltmp:init_rc} ]
+    if { ${optv:mapped_err} } {
+        set tcltmp:init_rc 2
+    } else {
+        set tcltmp:init_rc 1
+    }
+    set v:err [ turbine::create_local_file_ref ${v:__filename_err} ${tcltmp:init_rc} ]
     turbine::c::log [ list exec: /bin/bash ${v:__filename_run} ${v:recsize} [ dict create "stdout" ${v:__filename_out} "stderr" ${v:__filename_err} ] ]
     turbine::exec_external "/bin/bash" [ dict create "stdout" ${v:__filename_out} "stderr" ${v:__filename_err} ] ${v:__filename_run} ${v:recsize}
-    set v:out [ turbine::create_local_file_ref ${v:__filename_out} ]
-    set v:err [ turbine::create_local_file_ref ${v:__filename_err} ]
     turbine::set_file ${u:out} v:out
     turbine::set_file ${u:err} v:err
     turbine::decr_local_file_refcount v:out
@@ -328,20 +150,38 @@
     turbine::c::log "enter function: comb_data"
     # Alias __filename_comb with type string was defined
     # Alias __filename_out with type string was defined
+    # Value __ov_mapped_out with type $boolean was defined
     # Alias __filename_err with type string was defined
+    # Value __ov_mapped_err with type $boolean was defined
     turbine::file_read_refcount_incr ${u:comb} 1
     turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:array} 1
     set filename:comb [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:comb} ]
     turbine::read_refcount_incr ${filename:comb} 1
-    set filename:out [ turbine::get_output_file_path ${u:out} ]
+    set optv:mapped_out [ turbine::is_file_mapped ${u:out} ]
+    if { ${optv:mapped_out} } {
+        set filename:out [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:out} ]
+    } else {
+        # Value __of_out with type $string was defined
+        set optf:out [ turbine::mktemp ]
+        turbine::set_filename_val ${u:out} ${optf:out}
+        set filename:out [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:out} ]
+    }
     turbine::read_refcount_incr ${filename:out} 1
-    set filename:err [ turbine::get_output_file_path ${u:err} ]
+    set optv:mapped_err [ turbine::is_file_mapped ${u:err} ]
+    if { ${optv:mapped_err} } {
+        set filename:err [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:err} ]
+    } else {
+        # Value __of_err with type $string was defined
+        set optf:err [ turbine::mktemp ]
+        turbine::set_filename_val ${u:err} ${optf:err}
+        set filename:err [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:err} ]
+    }
     turbine::read_refcount_incr ${filename:err} 1
-    turbine::deeprule [ list ${filename:comb} ${filename:err} ${filename:out} ${u:array} [ turbine::get_file_status ${u:comb} ] ] [ list 0 0 0 1 0 ] [ list 0 0 0 1 1 ] "comb_data-app-leaf0 ${stack} {${u:err}} ${filename:out} ${filename:err} {${u:comb}} ${filename:comb} {${u:out}} ${u:array}" target ${dr:location} type ${::turbine::WORK}
+    turbine::deeprule [ list ${filename:comb} ${filename:err} ${filename:out} ${u:array} [ turbine::get_file_status ${u:comb} ] ] [ list 0 0 0 1 0 ] [ list 0 0 0 1 1 ] "comb_data-app-leaf0 ${stack} ${optv:mapped_out} {${u:err}} ${filename:out} ${optv:mapped_err} ${filename:err} {${u:comb}} ${filename:comb} {${u:out}} ${u:array}" target ${dr:location} type ${::turbine::WORK}
-proc comb_data-app-leaf0 { stack u:err filename:out filename:err u:comb filename:comb u:out u:array } {
+proc comb_data-app-leaf0 { stack optv:mapped_out u:err filename:out optv:mapped_err filename:err u:comb filename:comb u:out u:array } {
     # Value __v___filename_comb with type $string was defined
     # Value __v___filename_out with type $string was defined
     # Value __v___filename_err with type $string was defined
@@ -352,10 +192,21 @@
     set v:__filename_out [ turbine::retrieve_string ${filename:out} CACHED 1 ]
     set v:__filename_err [ turbine::retrieve_string ${filename:err} CACHED 1 ]
     set v:comb [ turbine::get_file ${u:comb} 1 ]
-    turbine::c::log [ list exec: /bin/bash ${v:__filename_comb} {*}[ turbine::unpack_args ${u:array} 1 1 ] [ dict create "stdout" ${v:__filename_out} "stderr" ${v:__filename_err} ] ]
-    turbine::exec_external "/bin/bash" [ dict create "stdout" ${v:__filename_out} "stderr" ${v:__filename_err} ] ${v:__filename_comb} {*}[ turbine::unpack_args ${u:array} 1 1 ]
-    set v:out [ turbine::create_local_file_ref ${v:__filename_out} ]
-    set v:err [ turbine::create_local_file_ref ${v:__filename_err} ]
+    if { ${optv:mapped_out} } {
+        set tcltmp:init_rc 2
+    } else {
+        set tcltmp:init_rc 1
+    }
+    set v:out [ turbine::create_local_file_ref ${v:__filename_out} ${tcltmp:init_rc} ]
+    if { ${optv:mapped_err} } {
+        set tcltmp:init_rc 2
+    } else {
+        set tcltmp:init_rc 1
+    }
+    set v:err [ turbine::create_local_file_ref ${v:__filename_err} ${tcltmp:init_rc} ]
+    set tcltmp:unpacked1 [ turbine::unpack_args ${u:array} 1 1 ]
+    turbine::c::log [ list exec: /bin/bash ${v:__filename_comb} {*}${tcltmp:unpacked1} [ dict create "stdout" ${v:__filename_out} "stderr" ${v:__filename_err} ] ]
+    turbine::exec_external "/bin/bash" [ dict create "stdout" ${v:__filename_out} "stderr" ${v:__filename_err} ] ${v:__filename_comb} {*}${tcltmp:unpacked1}
     turbine::set_file ${u:out} v:out
     turbine::set_file ${u:err} v:err
     turbine::decr_local_file_refcount v:out
@@ -368,20 +219,38 @@
     turbine::c::log "enter function: comb_data_local"
     # Alias __filename_comb with type string was defined
     # Alias __filename_out with type string was defined
+    # Value __ov_mapped_out with type $boolean was defined
     # Alias __filename_err with type string was defined
+    # Value __ov_mapped_err with type $boolean was defined
     turbine::file_read_refcount_incr ${u:comb} 1
     turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:array} 1
     set filename:comb [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:comb} ]
     turbine::read_refcount_incr ${filename:comb} 1
-    set filename:out [ turbine::get_output_file_path ${u:out} ]
+    set optv:mapped_out [ turbine::is_file_mapped ${u:out} ]
+    if { ${optv:mapped_out} } {
+        set filename:out [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:out} ]
+    } else {
+        # Value __of_out with type $string was defined
+        set optf:out [ turbine::mktemp ]
+        turbine::set_filename_val ${u:out} ${optf:out}
+        set filename:out [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:out} ]
+    }
     turbine::read_refcount_incr ${filename:out} 1
-    set filename:err [ turbine::get_output_file_path ${u:err} ]
+    set optv:mapped_err [ turbine::is_file_mapped ${u:err} ]
+    if { ${optv:mapped_err} } {
+        set filename:err [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:err} ]
+    } else {
+        # Value __of_err with type $string was defined
+        set optf:err [ turbine::mktemp ]
+        turbine::set_filename_val ${u:err} ${optf:err}
+        set filename:err [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:err} ]
+    }
     turbine::read_refcount_incr ${filename:err} 1
-    turbine::rule [ list ${filename:comb} ${filename:err} ${filename:out} ${u:array} [ turbine::get_file_status ${u:comb} ] ] "comb_data_local-app-leaf0 ${stack} {${u:err}} ${filename:out} ${filename:err} {${u:comb}} ${filename:comb} {${u:out}} ${u:array}" target ${dr:location} type ${::turbine::WORK}
+    turbine::rule [ list ${filename:comb} ${filename:err} ${filename:out} ${u:array} [ turbine::get_file_status ${u:comb} ] ] "comb_data_local-app-leaf0 ${stack} ${optv:mapped_out} {${u:err}} ${filename:out} ${optv:mapped_err} ${filename:err} {${u:comb}} ${filename:comb} {${u:out}} ${u:array}" target ${dr:location} type ${::turbine::WORK}
-proc comb_data_local-app-leaf0 { stack u:err filename:out filename:err u:comb filename:comb u:out u:array } {
+proc comb_data_local-app-leaf0 { stack optv:mapped_out u:err filename:out optv:mapped_err filename:err u:comb filename:comb u:out u:array } {
     # Value __v___filename_comb with type $string was defined
     # Value __v_array with type $string was defined
     # Value __v___filename_out with type $string was defined
@@ -394,10 +263,20 @@
     set v:__filename_out [ turbine::retrieve_string ${filename:out} CACHED 1 ]
     set v:__filename_err [ turbine::retrieve_string ${filename:err} CACHED 1 ]
     set v:comb [ turbine::get_file ${u:comb} 1 ]
+    if { ${optv:mapped_out} } {
+        set tcltmp:init_rc 2
+    } else {
+        set tcltmp:init_rc 1
+    }
+    set v:out [ turbine::create_local_file_ref ${v:__filename_out} ${tcltmp:init_rc} ]
+    if { ${optv:mapped_err} } {
+        set tcltmp:init_rc 2
+    } else {
+        set tcltmp:init_rc 1
+    }
+    set v:err [ turbine::create_local_file_ref ${v:__filename_err} ${tcltmp:init_rc} ]
     turbine::c::log [ list exec: /bin/bash ${v:__filename_comb} ${v:array} [ dict create "stdout" ${v:__filename_out} "stderr" ${v:__filename_err} ] ]
     turbine::exec_external "/bin/bash" [ dict create "stdout" ${v:__filename_out} "stderr" ${v:__filename_err} ] ${v:__filename_comb} ${v:array}
-    set v:out [ turbine::create_local_file_ref ${v:__filename_out} ]
-    set v:err [ turbine::create_local_file_ref ${v:__filename_err} ]
     turbine::set_file ${u:out} v:out
     turbine::set_file ${u:err} v:err
     turbine::decr_local_file_refcount v:out
@@ -409,17 +288,26 @@
     turbine::c::log "enter function: get_uniq_sites"
     # Alias __filename_sites with type string was defined
     # Alias __filename_out with type string was defined
+    # Value __ov_mapped_out with type $boolean was defined
     turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:array} 1
     turbine::file_read_refcount_incr ${u:sites} 1
     set filename:sites [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:sites} ]
     turbine::read_refcount_incr ${filename:sites} 1
-    set filename:out [ turbine::get_output_file_path ${u:out} ]
+    set optv:mapped_out [ turbine::is_file_mapped ${u:out} ]
+    if { ${optv:mapped_out} } {
+        set filename:out [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:out} ]
+    } else {
+        # Value __of_out with type $string was defined
+        set optf:out [ turbine::mktemp ]
+        turbine::set_filename_val ${u:out} ${optf:out}
+        set filename:out [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:out} ]
+    }
     turbine::read_refcount_incr ${filename:out} 1
-    turbine::deeprule [ list ${filename:out} ${filename:sites} ${u:array} [ turbine::get_file_status ${u:sites} ] ] [ list 0 0 1 0 ] [ list 0 0 1 1 ] "get_uniq_sites-app-leaf0 ${stack} {${u:sites}} ${filename:out} {${u:out}} ${filename:sites} ${u:array}" target ${dr:location} type ${::turbine::WORK}
+    turbine::deeprule [ list ${filename:out} ${filename:sites} ${u:array} [ turbine::get_file_status ${u:sites} ] ] [ list 0 0 1 0 ] [ list 0 0 1 1 ] "get_uniq_sites-app-leaf0 ${stack} {${u:sites}} ${optv:mapped_out} ${filename:out} {${u:out}} ${filename:sites} ${u:array}" target ${dr:location} type ${::turbine::WORK}
-proc get_uniq_sites-app-leaf0 { stack u:sites filename:out u:out filename:sites u:array } {
+proc get_uniq_sites-app-leaf0 { stack u:sites optv:mapped_out filename:out u:out filename:sites u:array } {
     # Value __v___filename_sites with type $string was defined
     # Value __v___filename_out with type $string was defined
     # Value __v_sites with type $file was defined
@@ -427,9 +315,15 @@
     set v:__filename_sites [ turbine::retrieve_string ${filename:sites} CACHED 1 ]
     set v:__filename_out [ turbine::retrieve_string ${filename:out} CACHED 1 ]
     set v:sites [ turbine::get_file ${u:sites} 1 ]
-    turbine::c::log [ list exec: /bin/bash ${v:__filename_sites} {*}[ turbine::unpack_args ${u:array} 1 1 ] [ dict create "stdout" ${v:__filename_out} ] ]
-    turbine::exec_external "/bin/bash" [ dict create "stdout" ${v:__filename_out} ] ${v:__filename_sites} {*}[ turbine::unpack_args ${u:array} 1 1 ]
-    set v:out [ turbine::create_local_file_ref ${v:__filename_out} ]
+    if { ${optv:mapped_out} } {
+        set tcltmp:init_rc 2
+    } else {
+        set tcltmp:init_rc 1
+    }
+    set v:out [ turbine::create_local_file_ref ${v:__filename_out} ${tcltmp:init_rc} ]
+    set tcltmp:unpacked1 [ turbine::unpack_args ${u:array} 1 1 ]
+    turbine::c::log [ list exec: /bin/bash ${v:__filename_sites} {*}${tcltmp:unpacked1} [ dict create "stdout" ${v:__filename_out} ] ]
+    turbine::exec_external "/bin/bash" [ dict create "stdout" ${v:__filename_out} ] ${v:__filename_sites} {*}${tcltmp:unpacked1}
     turbine::set_file ${u:out} v:out
     turbine::decr_local_file_refcount v:out
     turbine::read_refcount_decr ${u:array} 1
@@ -439,66 +333,66 @@
 proc swift:main {  } {
     turbine::c::log "enter function: main"
     set stack 0
-    global c:s_jobs_per_s
-    global c:s_local_comb
-    global c:s_teragen_wr
-    global c:s_combiner_s
-    global c:s__
-    # Value __ov___t1 with type $string was defined
-    # Value __ov_loop with type $int was defined
-    # Value __ov___t3 with type $string was defined
-    # Value __ov_fsize with type $int was defined
-    # Value __ov___t7 with type $int was defined
-    lassign [ adlb::multicreate [ list container integer file_ref 1 1 ] [ list integer 1 ] [ list container integer ref 1 1 ] [ list string 2 ] [ list container integer ref 1 1 ] [ list string 1 ] [ list container integer file_ref 1 1 ] [ list string 2 ] [ list string 2 ] ] u:tgen_out u:fsize t:5 t:14 u:sites t:15 u:comb_out t:29 t:30
-    turbine::c::log "allocated u:tgen_out=<${u:tgen_out}> u:fsize=<${u:fsize}> t:5=<${t:5}> t:14=<${t:14}> u:sites=<${u:sites}>"
-    turbine::c::log "allocated t:15=<${t:15}> u:comb_out=<${u:comb_out}> t:29=<${t:29}> t:30=<${t:30}>"
+    global c:s__-1
+    # Value __ov_wrapper with type $file was defined
+    # Value __ov_jobs_per_site with type $file was defined
+    # Value __ov_local_combine with type $file was defined
+    # Value __ov_combine with type $file was defined
+    lassign [ adlb::multicreate [ list container integer file_ref 1 1 ] [ list container integer ref 1 1 ] [ list string 2 ] [ list container integer ref 1 1 ] [ list string 1 ] [ list container integer file_ref 1 1 ] [ list string 2 ] [ list string 2 ] ] u:tgen_out t:1 t:10 u:sites t:11 u:comb_out t:34 t:35
+    turbine::c::log "allocated u:tgen_out=<${u:tgen_out}> t:1=<${t:1}> t:10=<${t:10}> u:sites=<${u:sites}> t:11=<${t:11}>"
+    turbine::c::log "allocated u:comb_out=<${u:comb_out}> t:34=<${t:34}> t:35=<${t:35}>"
     turbine::allocate_file2 u:wrapper "" 1
     turbine::allocate_file2 u:jobs_per_site "" 1
-    turbine::allocate_file2 u:combiner_list ${t:14} 1
+    turbine::allocate_file2 u:combiner_list ${t:10} 1
     turbine::allocate_file2 u:local_combine "" 1
     turbine::allocate_file2 u:combine "" 1
-    turbine::allocate_file2 u:final ${t:29} 1
-    turbine::allocate_file2 u:errs ${t:30} 1
+    turbine::allocate_file2 u:final ${t:34} 1
+    turbine::allocate_file2 u:errs ${t:35} 1
     # Swift l.27: assigning expression to wrapper
-    turbine::input_file [ list ${u:wrapper} ] [ list ${c:s_teragen_wr} ]
-    # Swift l.31: assigning expression to loop
-    set optv:__t1 [ turbine::argv_get_impl "loop" ]
-    set optv:loop [ turbine::check_str_int ${optv:__t1} ]
-    # Swift l.33: assigning expression to fsize
-    set optv:__t3 [ turbine::argv_get_impl "fsize" ]
-    set optv:fsize [ turbine::check_str_int ${optv:__t3} ]
-    turbine::store_integer ${u:fsize} ${optv:fsize}
-    set optv:__t7 [ expr { ${optv:loop} - 1 } ]
-    turbine::range_work ${t:5} 0 ${optv:__t7} 1
+    set optv:wrapper [ turbine::input_file_local "/lustre/beagle/yadunandb/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/teragen_wrap.sh" ]
+    turbine::set_filename_val ${u:wrapper} "/lustre/beagle/yadunandb/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/teragen_wrap.sh"
+    turbine::set_file ${u:wrapper} optv:wrapper
+    # Swift l.30: assigning expression to loop
+    # Swift l.32: assigning expression to fsize
+    turbine::range_work ${t:1} 0 9 1
     # Swift l.42: assigning expression to jobs_per_site
-    turbine::input_file [ list ${u:jobs_per_site} ] [ list ${c:s_jobs_per_s} ]
-    turbine::store_string ${t:14} "uniq_sites"
+    set optv:jobs_per_site [ turbine::input_file_local "/lustre/beagle/yadunandb/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/jobs_per_site.sh" ]
+    turbine::set_filename_val ${u:jobs_per_site} "/lustre/beagle/yadunandb/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/jobs_per_site.sh"
+    turbine::set_file ${u:jobs_per_site} optv:jobs_per_site
+    turbine::store_string ${t:10} "intermediate/uniq_sites"
     # Swift l.44: assigning expression to combiner_list
     f:get_uniq_sites ${stack} ${u:combiner_list} ${u:jobs_per_site} ${u:tgen_out} -100
-    # Swift l.46: assigning expression to sites
-    turbine::split [ list ${u:sites} ] [ list ${t:15} ${c:s__} ]
+    # Swift l.47: assigning expression to sites
+    turbine::split [ list ${u:sites} ] [ list ${t:11} ${c:s__-1} ]
     # Swift l.49: assigning expression to local_combine
-    turbine::input_file [ list ${u:local_combine} ] [ list ${c:s_local_comb} ]
-    # Swift l.68: assigning expression to combine
-    turbine::input_file [ list ${u:combine} ] [ list ${c:s_combiner_s} ]
-    turbine::store_string ${t:29} "final_result"
-    turbine::store_string ${t:30} "final_errs"
-    # Swift l.72: assigning expression to final
-    # Swift l.72: assigning expression to errs
+    set optv:local_combine [ turbine::input_file_local "/lustre/beagle/yadunandb/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/local_combiner.sh" ]
+    turbine::set_filename_val ${u:local_combine} "/lustre/beagle/yadunandb/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/local_combiner.sh"
+    turbine::set_file ${u:local_combine} optv:local_combine
+    # Swift l.75: assigning expression to combine
+    set optv:combine [ turbine::input_file_local "/lustre/beagle/yadunandb/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/combiner.sh" ]
+    turbine::set_filename_val ${u:combine} "/lustre/beagle/yadunandb/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/combiner.sh"
+    turbine::set_file ${u:combine} optv:combine
+    turbine::store_string ${t:34} "final_result"
+    turbine::store_string ${t:35} "final_errs"
+    # Swift l.79: assigning expression to final
+    # Swift l.79: assigning expression to errs
     f:comb_data ${stack} ${u:final} ${u:errs} ${u:combine} ${u:comb_out} -100
     # Swift l.38: assigning expression to out
     # Swift l.38: assigning expression to err
     # Swift l.39: assigning expression to tgen_out[_]
     turbine::rule [ list ${u:sites} ] "main-foreach-wait1 ${stack} ${u:sites} {${u:local_combine}} ${u:comb_out}" type ${::turbine::LOCAL}
     turbine::rule [ list ${u:comb_out} ] "main-foreach-wait2 ${stack} ${u:comb_out}" type ${::turbine::LOCAL}
-    set tcltmp:container_sz [ adlb::enumerate ${t:5} count all 0 ]
+    set tcltmp:container_sz [ adlb::enumerate ${t:1} count all 0 ]
     set tcltmp:iters ${tcltmp:container_sz}
     turbine::file_read_refcount_incr ${u:wrapper} [ expr { ${tcltmp:iters} - 1 } ]
-    turbine::read_refcount_incr ${t:5} [ expr { ${tcltmp:iters} - 1 } ]
-    turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:fsize} [ expr { ${tcltmp:iters} - 1 } ]
+    turbine::read_refcount_incr ${t:1} [ expr { ${tcltmp:iters} - 1 } ]
     adlb::write_refcount_incr ${u:tgen_out} [ expr { ${tcltmp:iters} - 1 } ]
-    main-foreach0:outer ${stack} ${u:wrapper} ${u:fsize} ${u:tgen_out} ${t:5} 0 [ expr { ${tcltmp:container_sz} - 1 } ] 1
-    turbine::rule [ list [ turbine::get_file_status ${u:combiner_list} ] ] "main-call_builtin-read ${stack} ${t:15} {${u:combiner_list}}" type ${::turbine::WORK}
+    main-foreach0:outer ${stack} ${u:wrapper} ${u:tgen_out} ${t:1} 0 [ expr { ${tcltmp:container_sz} - 1 } ] 1
+    turbine::rule [ list [ turbine::get_file_status ${u:combiner_list} ] ] "main-call_foreign-read ${stack} ${t:11} {${u:combiner_list}}" type ${::turbine::WORK}
+    turbine::decr_local_file_refcount optv:wrapper
+    turbine::decr_local_file_refcount optv:jobs_per_site
+    turbine::decr_local_file_refcount optv:local_combine
+    turbine::decr_local_file_refcount optv:combine
     turbine::read_refcount_decr ${u:tgen_out} 1
     turbine::file_read_refcount_decr ${u:errs} 1
     turbine::file_read_refcount_decr ${u:jobs_per_site} 1
@@ -508,11 +402,6 @@
 proc main-foreach-wait1 { stack u:sites u:local_combine u:comb_out } {
-    # Swift l.55: assigning expression to site_info
-    # Swift l.56: assigning expression to rank
-    # Swift l.60: assigning expression to out1
-    # Swift l.60: assigning expression to err1
-    # Swift l.61: assigning expression to comb_out[_]
     set tcltmp:container_sz [ adlb::enumerate ${u:sites} count all 0 ]
     set tcltmp:iters ${tcltmp:container_sz}
     turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:sites} [ expr { ${tcltmp:iters} - 1 } ]
@@ -546,42 +435,79 @@
     set tcltmp:splitlen [ expr { ${tcltmp:hi} - ${tcltmp:lo} + 1 } ]
     set tcltmp:contents [ adlb::enumerate ${u:sites} dict ${tcltmp:splitlen} ${tcltmp:lo} ]
     dict for {v:i0 u:site} ${tcltmp:contents} {
-        global c:s__-1
-        # Value __ov___t18 with type $string was defined
-        # Value __ov___t20 with type $string was defined
-        lassign [ adlb::multicreate [ list string 2 ] [ list string 2 ] [ list container integer ref 1 1 ] [ list string 1 ] [ list ref 1 ] ] t:18 t:20 u:site_info t:23 t:24
-        turbine::c::log "allocated t:18=<${t:18}> t:20=<${t:20}> u:site_info=<${u:site_info}> t:23=<${t:23}> t:24=<${t:24}>"
-        turbine::allocate_file2 u:out1 ${t:18} 1
-        turbine::allocate_file2 u:err1 ${t:20} 0
-        turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:site} 2
-        set optv:__t18 [ eval format [ list "intermediate/sitecomb_%i.out" ${v:i0} ] ]
-        turbine::store_string ${t:18} ${optv:__t18}
-        set optv:__t20 [ eval format [ list "intermediate/sitecomb_%i.err" ${v:i0} ] ]
-        turbine::store_string ${t:20} ${optv:__t20}
-        turbine::split [ list ${u:site_info} ] [ list ${u:site} ${c:s__-1} ]
-        turbine::container_reference ${u:site_info} 0 ${t:24} ref
-        turbine::dereference_string ${t:23} ${t:24}
-        turbine::container_insert ${u:comb_out} ${v:i0} ${u:out1} file_ref 1
-        turbine::rule [ list ${t:23} ] "main-call_sync-hostmap_one ${stack} ${u:site} ${t:23} {${u:local_combine}} {${u:out1}} {${u:err1}}"
+        lassign [ adlb::multicreate [ list integer 1 ] ] t:14
+        turbine::c::log "allocated t:14=<${t:14}>"
+        turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:site} 1
+        turbine::rule [ list ${u:site} ] "main-call_sync-strlen ${stack} ${u:site} ${v:i0} {${u:local_combine}} ${u:comb_out} ${t:14}"
     set tcltmp:iters [ expr { max(0,(${tcltmp:hi} - ${tcltmp:lo}) / ${tcltmp:inc} + 1) } ]
     turbine::read_refcount_decr ${u:sites} [ expr { ${tcltmp:iters} } ]
-proc main-call_sync-hostmap_one { stack u:site t:23 u:local_combine u:out1 u:err1 } {
-    # Value __ov___t23 with type $string was defined
+proc main-call_sync-strlen { stack u:site v:i0 u:local_combine u:comb_out t:14 } {
+    # Value __ov_site with type $string was defined
+    # Value __ov___t15 with type $int was defined
+    # Value __ov___t14 with type $boolean was defined
+    # Value __v___t14 with type $boolean was defined
+    set optv:site [ turbine::retrieve_string ${u:site} ]
+    set optv:__t15 [ string length ${optv:site} ]
+    set optv:__t14 [ expr { ${optv:__t15} > 0 } ]
+    turbine::store_integer ${t:14} ${optv:__t14}
+    set v:__t14 [ turbine::retrieve_integer ${t:14} CACHED 1 ]
+    if { ${v:__t14} } {
+        global c:s__
+        # Value __ov___t17 with type $string was defined
+        # Value __ov___t19 with type $string was defined
+        lassign [ adlb::multicreate [ list string 2 ] [ list string 2 ] [ list container integer ref 1 1 ] [ list string 1 ] [ list ref 1 ] ] t:17 t:19 u:site_info t:22 t:23
+        turbine::c::log "allocated t:17=<${t:17}> t:19=<${t:19}> u:site_info=<${u:site_info}> t:22=<${t:22}> t:23=<${t:23}>"
+        turbine::allocate_file2 u:out1 ${t:17} 2
+        turbine::allocate_file2 u:err1 ${t:19} 1
+        turbine::file_read_refcount_incr ${u:local_combine} 1
+        turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:site} 2
+        set optv:__t17 [ eval format [ list "intermediate/sitecomb_%i.out" ${v:i0} ] ]
+        turbine::store_string ${t:17} ${optv:__t17}
+        set optv:__t19 [ eval format [ list "intermediate/sitecomb_%i.err" ${v:i0} ] ]
+        turbine::store_string ${t:19} ${optv:__t19}
+        # Swift l.57: assigning expression to site_info
+        turbine::split [ list ${u:site_info} ] [ list ${u:site} ${c:s__} ]
+        # Swift l.60: assigning expression to rank
+        turbine::container_reference ${u:site_info} 0 ${t:23} ref
+        turbine::dereference_string ${t:22} ${t:23}
+        # Swift l.62 evaluating  expression and throwing away 1 results
+        # Swift l.64: assigning expression to out1
+        # Swift l.64: assigning expression to err1
+        # Swift l.65: assigning expression to comb_out[_]
+        turbine::container_insert ${u:comb_out} ${v:i0} ${u:out1} file_ref 0
+        turbine::rule [ list ${t:22} ] [ list main-call_sync-hostmap_one_worker ${stack} ${u:site} ${t:22} ${u:local_combine} ${optv:site} ${u:out1} ${u:err1} ]
+    } else {
+        # Value __ov___t28 with type $void was defined
+        # Swift l.67 evaluating  expression and throwing away 1 results
+        set optv:__t28 [ turbine::printf_local "Empty string\n" ]
+    }
+    turbine::read_refcount_decr ${u:site} 1
+    turbine::file_read_refcount_decr ${u:local_combine} 1
+    adlb::write_refcount_decr ${u:comb_out} 1
+proc main-call_sync-hostmap_one_worker { stack u:site t:22 u:local_combine optv:site u:out1 u:err1 } {
+    # Value __ov___t22 with type $string was defined
     # Value __ov_rank with type $int was defined
-    set optv:__t23 [ turbine::retrieve_string ${t:23} CACHED 1 ]
-    set optv:rank [ draw [ adlb::hostmap ${optv:__t23} ] ]
+    # Value __ov___t24 with type $void was defined
+    set optv:__t22 [ turbine::retrieve_string ${t:22} CACHED 1 ]
+    set optv:rank [ ::turbine::random_rank WORKER [ adlb::hostmap_lookup ${optv:__t22} ] ]
     f:comb_data_local ${stack} ${u:out1} ${u:err1} ${u:local_combine} ${u:site} ${optv:rank}
+    set optv:__t24 [ turbine::printf_local "Site: %s Rank: %i String: %s\n" ${optv:__t22} ${optv:rank} ${optv:site} ]
     turbine::read_refcount_decr ${u:site} 1
     turbine::file_read_refcount_decr ${u:local_combine} 1
+    turbine::file_read_refcount_decr ${u:err1} 1
+    turbine::file_read_refcount_decr ${u:out1} 1
 proc main-foreach-wait2 { stack u:comb_out } {
-    # Swift l.65 evaluating  expression and throwing away 1 results
+    # Swift l.72 evaluating  expression and throwing away 1 results
     set tcltmp:container_sz [ adlb::enumerate ${u:comb_out} count all 0 ]
     set tcltmp:iters ${tcltmp:container_sz}
     turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:comb_out} [ expr { ${tcltmp:iters} - 1 } ]
@@ -613,78 +539,109 @@
     set tcltmp:splitlen [ expr { ${tcltmp:hi} - ${tcltmp:lo} + 1 } ]
     set tcltmp:contents [ adlb::enumerate ${u:comb_out} members ${tcltmp:splitlen} ${tcltmp:lo} ]
     foreach u:file_item ${tcltmp:contents} {
-        lassign [ adlb::multicreate [ list string 1 ] ] t:27
-        turbine::c::log "allocated t:27=<${t:27}>"
-        turbine::file_read_refcount_incr ${u:file_item} 1
-        turbine::filename2 [ list ${t:27} ] [ list ${u:file_item} ]
-        turbine::rule [ list ${t:27} ] "main-call_builtin-printf ${stack} ${t:27}"
+        # Alias __of_file_item with type string was defined
+        set optf:file_item [ turbine::get_file_path ${u:file_item} ]
+        turbine::read_refcount_incr ${optf:file_item} 1
+        turbine::rule [ list ${optf:file_item} ] "main-call_foreign-printf ${stack} ${optf:file_item}"
     set tcltmp:iters [ expr { max(0,(${tcltmp:hi} - ${tcltmp:lo}) / ${tcltmp:inc} + 1) } ]
     turbine::read_refcount_decr ${u:comb_out} [ expr { ${tcltmp:iters} } ]
-proc main-call_builtin-printf { stack t:27 } {
-    # Value __ov___t27 with type $string was defined
-    # Value __ov___t25 with type $void was defined
-    set optv:__t27 [ turbine::retrieve_string ${t:27} CACHED 1 ]
-    set optv:__t25 [ turbine::printf_local "Item in comb_out : %s \n" ${optv:__t27} ]
+proc main-call_foreign-printf { stack optf:file_item } {
+    # Value __ov___of_file_item with type $string was defined
+    # Value __ov___t30 with type $void was defined
+    set optv:__of_file_item [ turbine::retrieve_string ${optf:file_item} CACHED 1 ]
+    set optv:__t30 [ turbine::printf_local "Item in comb_out : %s \n" ${optv:__of_file_item} ]
-proc main-foreach0:outer { stack u:wrapper u:fsize u:tgen_out t:5 tcltmp:lo tcltmp:hi tcltmp:inc } {
+proc main-foreach0:outer { stack u:wrapper u:tgen_out t:1 tcltmp:lo tcltmp:hi tcltmp:inc } {
     set tcltmp:itersleft [ expr { max(0,(${tcltmp:hi} - ${tcltmp:lo}) / ${tcltmp:inc} + 1) } ]
     if { [ expr { ${tcltmp:itersleft} <= 0 } ] } {
     if { [ expr { ${tcltmp:itersleft} <= 64 } ] } {
-        main-foreach0:inner ${stack} ${u:wrapper} ${u:fsize} ${u:tgen_out} ${t:5} ${tcltmp:lo} ${tcltmp:hi} ${tcltmp:inc}
+        main-foreach0:inner ${stack} ${u:wrapper} ${u:tgen_out} ${t:1} ${tcltmp:lo} ${tcltmp:hi} ${tcltmp:inc}
     } else {
         set tcltmp:skip [ expr { ${tcltmp:inc} * max(64,((${tcltmp:itersleft} - 1) / 16) + 1) } ]
         for { set tcltmp:splitstart ${tcltmp:lo} } { ${tcltmp:splitstart} <= ${tcltmp:hi} } { incr tcltmp:splitstart ${tcltmp:skip} } {
             set tcltmp:splitend [ expr { min(${tcltmp:hi},${tcltmp:splitstart} + ${tcltmp:skip} - 1) } ]
             set tcltmp:prio [ turbine::get_priority ]
             turbine::set_priority ${tcltmp:prio}
-            adlb::spawn 1 "command main-foreach0:outer ${stack} {${u:wrapper}} ${u:fsize} ${u:tgen_out} ${t:5} ${tcltmp:splitstart} ${tcltmp:splitend} ${tcltmp:inc}"
+            adlb::spawn 1 "command main-foreach0:outer ${stack} {${u:wrapper}} ${u:tgen_out} ${t:1} ${tcltmp:splitstart} ${tcltmp:splitend} ${tcltmp:inc}"
-proc main-foreach0:inner { stack u:wrapper u:fsize u:tgen_out t:5 tcltmp:lo tcltmp:hi tcltmp:inc } {
+proc main-foreach0:inner { stack u:wrapper u:tgen_out t:1 tcltmp:lo tcltmp:hi tcltmp:inc } {
     set tcltmp:splitlen [ expr { ${tcltmp:hi} - ${tcltmp:lo} + 1 } ]
-    set tcltmp:contents [ adlb::enumerate ${t:5} dict ${tcltmp:splitlen} ${tcltmp:lo} ]
+    set tcltmp:contents [ adlb::enumerate ${t:1} dict ${tcltmp:splitlen} ${tcltmp:lo} ]
     dict for {v:i u:item} ${tcltmp:contents} {
-        # Value __ov___t9 with type $string was defined
-        # Value __ov___t11 with type $string was defined
-        lassign [ adlb::multicreate [ list string 2 ] [ list string 2 ] ] t:9 t:11
-        turbine::c::log "allocated t:9=<${t:9}> t:11=<${t:11}>"
-        turbine::allocate_file2 u:out ${t:9} 1
-        turbine::allocate_file2 u:err ${t:11} 1
-        set optv:__t9 [ eval format [ list "intermediate/tgen_%i.out" ${v:i} ] ]
-        turbine::store_string ${t:9} ${optv:__t9}
-        set optv:__t11 [ eval format [ list "intermediate/tgen_%i.err" ${v:i} ] ]
-        turbine::store_string ${t:11} ${optv:__t11}
-        f:gen_data ${stack} ${u:out} ${u:err} ${u:wrapper} ${u:fsize} -100
+        global c:i_1
+        # Value __ov___t5 with type $string was defined
+        # Value __ov___t7 with type $string was defined
+        lassign [ adlb::multicreate [ list string 2 ] [ list string 2 ] ] t:5 t:7
+        turbine::c::log "allocated t:5=<${t:5}> t:7=<${t:7}>"
+        turbine::allocate_file2 u:out ${t:5} 1
+        turbine::allocate_file2 u:err ${t:7} 1
+        set optv:__t5 [ eval format [ list "intermediate/tgen_%i.out" ${v:i} ] ]
+        turbine::store_string ${t:5} ${optv:__t5}
+        set optv:__t7 [ eval format [ list "intermediate/tgen_%i.err" ${v:i} ] ]
+        turbine::store_string ${t:7} ${optv:__t7}
+        f:gen_data ${stack} ${u:out} ${u:err} ${u:wrapper} ${c:i_1} -100
         turbine::container_insert ${u:tgen_out} ${v:i} ${u:out} file_ref 1
         turbine::file_read_refcount_decr ${u:err} 1
     set tcltmp:iters [ expr { max(0,(${tcltmp:hi} - ${tcltmp:lo}) / ${tcltmp:inc} + 1) } ]
-    turbine::read_refcount_decr ${t:5} [ expr { ${tcltmp:iters} } ]
-    turbine::read_refcount_decr ${u:fsize} [ expr { ${tcltmp:iters} } ]
     turbine::file_read_refcount_decr ${u:wrapper} [ expr { ${tcltmp:iters} } ]
+    turbine::read_refcount_decr ${t:1} [ expr { ${tcltmp:iters} } ]
-proc main-call_builtin-read { stack t:15 u:combiner_list } {
+proc main-call_foreign-read { stack t:11 u:combiner_list } {
     # Value __ov_combiner_list with type $file was defined
-    # Value __ov___t15 with type $string was defined
+    # Value __ov___t11 with type $string was defined
     set optv:combiner_list [ turbine::get_file ${u:combiner_list} 1 ]
-    set optv:__t15 [ turbine::file_read_local ${optv:combiner_list} ]
-    turbine::store_string ${t:15} ${optv:__t15}
+    set optv:__t11 [ turbine::file_read_local ${optv:combiner_list} ]
+    turbine::store_string ${t:11} ${optv:__t11}
+proc f:strlen { stack u:n u:s } {
+    turbine::c::log "enter function: strlen"
+    turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:s} 1
+    turbine::rule [ list ${u:s} ] "strlen-argwait ${stack} ${u:s} ${u:n}"
+proc strlen-argwait { stack u:s u:n } {
+    # Value __v_s with type $string was defined
+    # Value __v_n with type $int was defined
+    set v:s [ turbine::retrieve_string ${u:s} CACHED 1 ]
+    set v:n [ string length ${v:s} ]
+    turbine::store_integer ${u:n} ${v:n}
+proc f:hostmap_one_worker { stack u:rank u:name } {
+    turbine::c::log "enter function: hostmap_one_worker"
+    turbine::read_refcount_incr ${u:name} 1
+    turbine::rule [ list ${u:name} ] "hostmap_one_worker-argwait ${stack} ${u:rank} ${u:name}"
+proc hostmap_one_worker-argwait { stack u:rank u:name } {
+    # Value __v_name with type $string was defined
+    # Value __v_rank with type $int was defined
+    set v:name [ turbine::retrieve_string ${u:name} CACHED 1 ]
+    set v:rank [ ::turbine::random_rank WORKER [ adlb::hostmap_lookup ${v:name} ] ]
+    turbine::store_integer ${u:rank} ${v:rank}
 turbine::init $engines $servers

Modified: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/teragen_wrap.sh
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/teragen_wrap.sh	2013-10-04 16:33:52 UTC (rev 7132)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/TurboChirp/teragen_wrap.sh	2013-10-04 16:35:12 UTC (rev 7133)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 #SLICESIZE=1000     # 10^3  If padded to 100B would result 
 # clean_folder SLEEP_TIME FOLDER_NAME
@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
     rm $2/* &> /dev/null
+HOST=$(hostname -f)
 ps -u $USER | grep "chirp_server" &> /dev/null
 if [ "$?" != "0" ]
@@ -29,12 +31,11 @@
     echo "unix:$USER rwlda"   >  $FOLDER/acl.conf
     echo "hostname:* rwlda"   >> $FOLDER/acl.conf
     timeout $TIMEOUT chirp_server -A $FOLDER/acl.conf -r $FOLDER &
+    sleep 3;
 shuf -i $LOWERLIMIT-$UPPERLIMIT -n $(($SLICESIZE*$ARG1)) | awk '{printf "%-99s\n", $0}' > $FILE
-sleep 5;
-#HOST=$(hostname -f)
-#echo "$HOST $FILE"
+echo "$HOST $FILE"
+#echo "$HOSTNAME $FILE"
 exit 0
\ No newline at end of file

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