[Swift-commit] r3250 - SwiftApps

noreply at svn.ci.uchicago.edu noreply at svn.ci.uchicago.edu
Mon Feb 22 20:55:25 CST 2010

Author: wilde
Date: 2010-02-22 20:55:25 -0600 (Mon, 22 Feb 2010)
New Revision: 3250

Added to wrong dir.

Deleted: SwiftApps/RunR.sh
--- SwiftApps/RunR.sh	2010-02-23 02:49:50 UTC (rev 3249)
+++ SwiftApps/RunR.sh	2010-02-23 02:55:25 UTC (rev 3250)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env Rscript
-argv = commandArgs(TRUE)
-for(c in 1:length(rcall$arglistbatch)) {
-    # FIXME: run this under try/catch and save error status in results object (need to make it a list: rval + error status)
-    result[[c]] = do.call( rcall$func, rcall$arglistbatch[[c]] )

Deleted: SwiftApps/RunSwiftScript.sh
--- SwiftApps/RunSwiftScript.sh	2010-02-23 02:49:50 UTC (rev 3249)
+++ SwiftApps/RunSwiftScript.sh	2010-02-23 02:55:25 UTC (rev 3250)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-cd $rundir
-cat >tc <<EOF
-$site	RunR	/home/wilde/SwiftR/RunR.sh	null	null	null
-cat >sites.xml <<EOF
-  <pool handle="local">
-    <execution provider="local" url="none" />
-    <profile namespace="karajan" key="initialScore">10000</profile>
-    <profile namespace="karajan" key="jobThrottle">.03</profile>
-    <filesystem provider="local"/>
-    <workdirectory>$(pwd)</workdirectory>
-  </pool>
-  <pool handle="pbs">
-    <profile namespace="globus" key="maxwalltime">00:00:10</profile>
-    <profile namespace="globus" key="maxtime">1800</profile>
-    <execution provider="coaster" url="none" jobManager="local:pbs"/>
-    <profile namespace="globus" key="workersPerNode">8</profile>
-    <profile namespace="karajan" key="initialScore">10000</profile>
-    <profile namespace="karajan" key="jobThrottle">.00</profile>
-    <filesystem provider="local"/>
-    <workdirectory>$(pwd)</workdirectory>
-  </pool>
-swift -tc.file tc -sites.file sites.xml ../swiftapply.swift

Deleted: SwiftApps/TestSwift.R
--- SwiftApps/TestSwift.R	2010-02-23 02:49:50 UTC (rev 3249)
+++ SwiftApps/TestSwift.R	2010-02-23 02:55:25 UTC (rev 3250)
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-sumcrits <- function(duckdata,dogdata) { sum( duckdata$plumage, dogdata$mvo ) }
-res = do.call(sumcrits,args)
-cat("Test of do.call(sumcrits)\n")
-arglist = rep(list(args),9)
-cat("\nTest of swiftapply(sumcrits,arglist)\n")
-res = swiftapply(sumcrits,arglist)
-cat("\nTest of swiftapply(sumcrits,arglist,callsperbatch=10)\n")
-res = swiftapply(sumcrits,arglist,callsperbatch=10)
-cat("\nTest of swiftapply(sumcrits,arglist,callsperbatch=2)\n")
-res = swiftapply(sumcrits,arglist,callsperbatch=2)
-cat("\nTest of swiftapply(sumcrits,arglist,callsperbatch=3)\n")
-res = swiftapply(sumcrits,arglist,callsperbatch=3)
-cat("\nTest of swiftapply(sumcrits,arglist,callsperbatch=20)\n")
-res = swiftapply(sumcrits,arglist,callsperbatch=20)

Deleted: SwiftApps/bootstrapdemo.R
--- SwiftApps/bootstrapdemo.R	2010-02-23 02:49:50 UTC (rev 3249)
+++ SwiftApps/bootstrapdemo.R	2010-02-23 02:55:25 UTC (rev 3250)
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# OpenMx Script to demonstrate use of R's boot package for bootstrapping
-# Author: M.C. Neale 1 September 2009
-# Load required libraries
-# Define a function called mles which will return maximum likelihood estimates
-# It uses the demoOneFactor dataset and one factor model on the OpenMx homepage
-# http://openmx.psyc.virginia.edu
-cat("in mles=");
-        manifests <- names(dataset)
-        latents <- c("G")
-        covwt <- cov.wt(dataset,wt)
-        mlevals <- mxRun(mxModel("One Factor", type="RAM",
-            manifestVars = manifests,
-            latentVars = latents,
-            mxPath(from=latents, to=manifests),
-            mxPath(from=manifests, arrows=2),
-            mxPath(from=latents, arrows=2,
-            free=F, values=1.0),
-            mxData(covwt$cov, type="cov",
-            numObs=500)))
-        return(as.vector(mlevals at output$estimate))}
-# Run 100 bootstraps (a smallish number)
-boot.out[[1]] = pboot(demoOneFactor,mles,R=100)
-#boot.out[[2]] = boot(demoOneFactor,mles,R=8)
-#boot.out[[3]] = boot(demoOneFactor,mles,R=9)
-print("done booting - boot.out is:")
-print("end of boot.out")
-# For comparison, take a look at the SE output from running the homepage job once
-manifests <- names(demoOneFactor)
-latents <- c("G")
-factorModel <- mxModel("One Factor", type="RAM",
-      manifestVars = manifests,
-      latentVars = latents,
-      mxPath(from=latents, to=manifests),
-      mxPath(from=manifests, arrows=2),
-      mxPath(from=latents, arrows=2,
-            free=F, values=1.0),
-      mxData(cov(demoOneFactor), type="cov",
-            numObs=500))
-# the estimates and standard errors should match up pretty well, though the number of replicates R above might be increased
-# therefore, only the factorModel estimates are compared:
-loadings<-facrun at matrices$A at values[1:5,6]
-errors<-diag(facrun at matrices$S at values[1:5,1:5])
-# The above should indicate that the results are close enough.

Deleted: SwiftApps/pboot.R
--- SwiftApps/pboot.R	2010-02-23 02:49:50 UTC (rev 3249)
+++ SwiftApps/pboot.R	2010-02-23 02:55:25 UTC (rev 3250)
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-pboot =
-function (data, statistic, R, sim = "ordinary", stype = "i", 
-          strata = rep(1, n), L = NULL, m = 0, weights = NULL,
-          ran.gen = function(d, p) d, mle = NULL, simple = FALSE, ...) 
-    call <- match.call()
-    if (simple && (sim != "ordinary" || stype != "i" || sum(m))) {
-        warning("'simple=TRUE' is only valid for 'sim=\"ordinary\", stype=\"i\", n=0, so ignored")
-        simple <- FALSE
-    }
-    if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) 
-        runif(1)
-    seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)
-    if (isMatrix(data)) 
-        n <- nrow(data)
-    else n <- length(data)
-    temp.str <- strata
-    strata <- tapply(1L:n, as.numeric(strata))
-    if ((n == 0) || is.null(n)) 
-        stop("no data in call to boot")
-    if (sim != "parametric") {
-        if ((sim == "antithetic") && is.null(L)) 
-            L <- empinf(data = data, statistic = statistic, stype = stype, 
-                strata = strata, ...)
-        if (sim != "ordinary") 
-            m <- 0
-        else if (any(m < 0)) 
-            stop("negative value of m supplied")
-        if ((length(m) != 1L) && (length(m) != length(table(strata)))) 
-            stop("length of m incompatible with strata")
-        if ((sim == "ordinary") || (sim == "balanced")) {
-            if (isMatrix(weights) && (nrow(weights) != length(R))) 
-                stop("dimensions of R and weights do not match")
-        }
-        else weights <- NULL
-        if (!is.null(weights)) 
-            weights <- t(apply(matrix(weights, n, length(R), 
-                byrow = TRUE), 2, normalize, strata))
-        if (!simple) 
-            i <- index.array(n, R, sim, strata, m, L, weights)
-        if (stype == "f") 
-            original <- rep(1, n)
-        else if (stype == "w") {
-            ns <- tabulate(strata)[strata]
-            original <- 1/ns
-        }
-        else original <- 1L:n
-        if (sum(m) > 0) {
-            t0 <- statistic(data, original, rep(1, sum(m)), ...)
-            lt0 <- length(t0)
-        }
-        else {
-            t0 <- statistic(data, original, ...)
-            lt0 <- length(t0)
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        t0 <- statistic(data, ...)
-        lt0 <- length(t0)
-    }
-    t.star <- matrix(NA, sum(R), lt0)
-    pred.i <- NULL
-    if (sim == "parametric") {
-        for (r in 1L:R) {
-            t.star[r, ] <- statistic(ran.gen(data, mle), ...)
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        if (!simple && ncol(i) > n) {
-            pred.i <- as.matrix(i[, (n + 1L):ncol(i)])
-            i <- i[, 1L:n]
-        }
-        if (stype == "f") {
-print("CASE 1")
-            f <- freq.array(i)
-            if (sum(m) == 0) 
-                for (r in 1L:sum(R)) t.star[r, ] <- statistic(data, 
-                  f[r, ], ...)
-            else for (r in 1L:sum(R)) t.star[r, ] <- statistic(data, 
-                f[r, ], pred.i[r, ], ...)
-        }
-        else if (stype == "w") {
-print("CASE 2")
-            f <- freq.array(i)
-            if (sum(m) == 0) 
-                for (r in 1L:sum(R)) t.star[r, ] <- statistic(data, 
-                  f[r, ]/ns, ...)
-            else for (r in 1L:sum(R)) t.star[r, ] <- statistic(data, 
-                f[r, ]/ns, pred.i[r, ], ...)
-        }
-        else if (sum(m) > 0) {
-print("CASE 3")
-            for (r in 1L:sum(R)) t.star[r, ] <- statistic(data, 
-                i[r, ], pred.i[r, ], ...)
-        }
-        else if (simple) {
-print("CASE 4")
-            for (r in 1L:sum(R)) {
-                inds <- index.array(n, 1, sim, strata, m, L, 
-                  weights)
-                t.star[r, ] <- statistic(data, inds, ...)
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-cat("CASE 5 - sum(R)=",sum(R))
-            # for (r in 1L:sum(R)) t.star[r, ] <- statistic(data, i[r, ], ...)
-            alists = list()
-            for (r in 1L:sum(R)) alists[[r]] <- list(data,i[r,],...)
-            reslist = swiftapplyb(statistic,alists,callsperbatch=25)
-            for (r in 1L:sum(R)) t.star[r, ] <- reslist[[r]]
-        }
-    }
-    dimnames(t.star) <- NULL
-    if (is.null(weights)) 
-        weights <- 1/tabulate(strata)[strata]
-    boot.return(sim, t0, t.star, temp.str, R, data, statistic, 
-        stype, call, seed, L, m, pred.i, weights, ran.gen, mle)

Deleted: SwiftApps/swiftapply.swift
--- SwiftApps/swiftapply.swift	2010-02-23 02:49:50 UTC (rev 3249)
+++ SwiftApps/swiftapply.swift	2010-02-23 02:55:25 UTC (rev 3250)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-type RFile;
-app (RFile result) RunR (RFile rcall)
-  RunR @rcall @result;
-RFile rcalls[]  <simple_mapper; prefix="cbatch.", suffix=".Rdata", padding=0>;
-RFile results[] <simple_mapper; prefix="rbatch.", suffix=".Rdata", padding=0>;
-foreach c, i in rcalls {
-  results[i] = RunR(c);

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