sieve-dev IndicesVisitor

Shi Jin jinzishuai at
Mon Sep 15 23:19:04 CDT 2008

Hi there,

I have the following loop:
ALE::ISieveVisitor::IndicesVisitor<PETSC_MESH_TYPE::real_section_type ,
    PETSC_MESH_TYPE::order_type,PetscInt> visitor_type;

    int numIndices;
    int e=0;
    for (PETSC_MESH_TYPE::label_sequence::iterator c_iter = cells->begin();
            !=cells->end(); ++c_iter, e++)//Loop thru local elements
        *visitor_type velVisitor(*vel[0], *velGlobalOrder, (int) (pow(
                sieve->getMaxConeSize(), m->depth())+1)*m->getMaxDof(),
                m->depth() > 1);
        visitor_type preVisitor(*p, *preGlobalOrder, (int) (pow(
                sieve->getMaxConeSize(), m->depth())+1)*m->getMaxDof(),
                m->depth() > 1);*

        computeIndicesForCell(e, vel[0], &numIndices, velVisitor);
        for (int i=0; i<numIndices; i++)

        computeIndicesForCell(e, p, &numIndices, preVisitor);
        for (int i=0; i<numIndices; i++)

Where the function computeIndicesForCell() calls the visitor by reference.
I want to take the definitions of the two visitors out of loop since I think
they can be reused. However, if I do that, an exception will be thrown at
void visitPoint(const point_type& point, const int orientation) {
        if (p >= size) {
          ostringstream msg;
         * msg << "Too many points (>" << size << ")for IndicesVisitor
          throw ALE::Exception(msg.str().c_str());
        if (points) {
          int pp;
          for(pp = 0; pp < p; ++pp) {if (points[pp] == point) break;}
          if (pp != p) return;
          points[*p++*] = point;
due to too large p value.
I wonder if this is normal.  The value of p increments in each call to
visitPoint() and it does not get reset in the clear() call as i does.

Should I just keep the definitions inside the loop? Thanks a lot.
Shi Jin, Ph.D.
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