sieve-dev ISieve and memory usage

Shi Jin jinzishuai at
Sun Jul 20 23:18:50 CDT 2008


I just tried the new optimized mesh in my code. Basically, I managed to
build a very simplified code against the optimized sieve library. I used the
function to load the mesh form files.
Since this one is statically sized, I assume it would take less memory than
the old one.
However, I just did a simple test. For a grid with 7680 elements, 16128
faces, 10148 edges and 1701 vertexes, my old code needs 44.38MB of memory
while the new code takes 51.61MB.
I should mention that this test is for the grid only, ie, no physical field
were constructed on top of it. Still, I am very surprised by the memory
performance. Is there a explanation to it?
I am very cautious here since my code is working but I have to reduce its
memory usage in order to run the problem sizes I have in mind.
Thank you very much.

Shi Jin, Ph.D.
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