[petsc-users] User Defined KSP Method in Fortran

Matthew Knepley knepley at gmail.com
Thu Jan 23 07:05:29 CST 2025

On Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 4:19 AM Frank Bramkamp <bramkamp at nsc.liu.se> wrote:

> Thanks for the quick response,
> so it seems that there is currently not a straight forward way to add
> fortran solvers to petsc.
> I will also have a look how I to add a new solver in the petsc source code.
> I wanted to test some ideas about a modified approach for gram schmidt
> orthogonalisation.
> It is called “windowed” orthogonalisation. The basic idea is as follows:
> One first starts gram schmidt as usual, until we have e.g. 20 krylov
> vectors.
> For the next iterations, where it gets more expensive, one does not
> orthogonalize the new vector
> against all previous vectors but only the last 20 ones.  As we start with
> the first 20 ones
> as usual one has a good basis that mainly covers the lower frequencies.
> (is that also your experience that the first krylov vectors are more in
> the low frequency range ?!
> I still have to check this myself)
> As for higher iterations we only consider the last 20 vectors for gam
> schmidt, it makes it cheaper
> (that is the “window”).

At least the windowing part is in Saad's book. The restart is not, as far
as I remember. When I tried it,
it failed often enough that I did not keep using it. Putting effort into
the PC was more effective for me.
Certainly a smaller number of vectors is cheaper. We usually use Classical
with selective reorthog, so
we are not paying a sync penalty in parallel that scales with the number of



> As we do not want to have too large orthogonalization errors, after
> another 20 iterations
> one makes a restart using deflation where we extract the main eigenvectors
> from the existing solution so far,
> so we have a new full orthogonal basis after lets say 40 iterations.
> For that one can probably use the approach from DGMRES.   So one could
> simply modify DMRES,
> respectively the gram-schmidt algorithm to allow for a more flexible way
> how many vectors to consider.
> I think one basically just has to modify the start index in gram schmidt
> to allow not to use all vectors
> but just the last lets say 20 vectors for orthogonalization.
> There is a paper and matlab implementation where they discuss this
> approach (I have to look up where I found it).
> Does that approach sound to have some potential to you to make gram
> schmidt cheaper ?
> The other thing that I wanted to check is the least squares givens
> rotation. It seems that in the gingko linear solver
> they are reusing certain components within the givens rotation that could
> potentially make it a bit faster.
> I have to look into the details again.
> What I do to determine how they do it in gingko is, that I let claude.ai
> crawl petsc code and gingko code.
> Then the AI can explain me the differences and show me in detail where are
> the differences between the codes,
> so I can take over the best from different codes and the AI can often
> explain me quite well what the code does
> (at least that is the plan)
> Greetings, Frank
> On 23 Jan 2025, at 04:58, Barry Smith <bsmith at petsc.dev> wrote:
>   I think it is best to code the modified GMRES method in C; likely, much
> of the current GMRES code could be reused. We'd be happy to help
> incorporate it into PETSc.
>   Barry
> On Jan 22, 2025, at 5:11 PM, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 22, 2025 at 3:18 PM Frank Bramkamp <bramkamp at nsc.liu.se>
> wrote:
>> Dear PETSc team,
>> I was planning to program a custom KSP method, some modified GMRES.
>> We mainly use PETSc from Fortran. Therefore I wonder it is possible
>> to have an interface to a custom KSP solver that is written in fortran.
>> I thought of using KSPRegister to register my own routine, but that seems
>> only
>> available in C.  Or is it possible to have a fortran/C wrapper to do that
>> ?
> We have wrappers for other functions that take callbacks, such as
> SNESSetFunction(). What
> we need to do is have a list of Fortran function pointers for this method.
> They when you
> register, we actually stick in a C wrapper that calls your Fortran
> function pointer that we have
> stored in our list. It should be straightforward looking at the
> implementation for something like
> SNESSetFunction(). We would help if you want to try :)
> Barry, is this impacted by your binding rewrite?
>   Thanks,
>       Matt
>> Thanks, Frank Bramkamp
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What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
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