[petsc-users] DOE STTR partner opportunity

Mark Adams mfadams at lbl.gov
Fri Feb 14 07:28:07 CST 2025

cc'ing Rich and petsc-users.

* I tried putting "petsc example stiffness matrix" into ChatGPT and it
actually looked fine, 1D Laplacian C code with instructions to build and
run it.

* But we have many tutorials that do this and you can browse them to find
one that looks best for your interests at

Good luck,

On Fri, Feb 14, 2025 at 8:05 AM Debiprasad Panda <dpanda68 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Mark,
> Can you send me any link for FEA example using PETSC which will generate
> the stiffness matrix so that I can play with you for porting into our FPGA.
> Regards.
> Debiprasad Panda, PhD
> President & CTO,
> Universal Real Time Power Conversion LLC
> Greater Milwaukee, WI
> Tel:1-440-840-3393 (cell)
> Web: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://urtpc.com__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fNXzXlpQ-ukRC2r1EAR0vzOZCP4M_UUNOIfBsJXXEMXS3FrkItd2r4hJKy94MHlF6h7APDqb7-Pfc9V435nHato$ 
> *This e-mail transmission and its attachments are privileged, proprietary
> and confidential and is **for the review of the designated recipient only**.
> If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately
> notify dpanda68 at yahoo.com <r_satpati at yahoo.com>.  Unintended transmission
> shall not constitute waiver of any privilege.*
> On Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 03:14:51 PM CST, Debiprasad Panda <
> dpanda68 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Richard,
> Thanks for the detailed email. It certainly explains the limitation at
> this time. Your email also very clearly explains about what kind of
> collaboration you extend to the partnering company. I had in my mind that
> neither you or Mark or Todd will write the code for us. I thought there
> might be junior scientists/programmers who works in your team will do the
> bulk of the work under your supervision. Now I understand that you would
> like to participate only in specific issues which is not readily available
> or needs further development in PETSc. As you say some issues may arise
> while using it and if so, you would like to participate in resolving such
> issues either in a future DOE proposal or through a self-generated project
> by PETSc community.  Correct me if my understanding is not right. We did
> work with university and consultants as sub-contractor in the past from
> this organization, but not directly with research labs. Your email
> certainly provides some guideline on the process and timeline.
> As you know we did implement a complete FEA analysis in FPGA and the speed
> up is significant. However, that was partly hardcoded. Thats why looking
> for an interface which is already tested and just need to be streamlined
> with our workflow. I thought that having a complete example of our interest
> in PETSC and implementing the same by part/full in FPGA will give us a good
> handle to continue development in that direction. As I mentioned we can do
> that task ourselves - we do have people who used the same workflow as I
> provided in my email, but it was for a different application. The main
> problem for small business like us is lack of funding. An SBIR/STTR funding
> will be very helpful ton accomplish this ground research on FPGA PETSC
> interface.
> I know time is short and certainly this transition time is making things
> more complicated.
> Let's plan for the next round and I believe the solicitation will be out
> in first week of June and the submission of the final proposal will be in
> October 2025. I will contact you in June.
> Anyway, we will proceed with our proposal with another partner this time.
> In the mean it will be helpful if Adam or any of you can send a link to
> any existing FEA example so that we can play with it.
> Thanks again for all your time and email discussion.
> Regards.
> Debiprasad Panda, PhD
> President & CTO,
> Universal Real Time Power Conversion LLC
> Greater Milwaukee, WI
> Tel:1-440-840-3393 (cell)
> Web: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://urtpc.com__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fNXzXlpQ-ukRC2r1EAR0vzOZCP4M_UUNOIfBsJXXEMXS3FrkItd2r4hJKy94MHlF6h7APDqb7-Pfc9V435nHato$ 
> *This e-mail transmission and its attachments are privileged, proprietary
> and confidential and is **for the review of the designated recipient only**.
> If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately
> notify dpanda68 at yahoo.com <r_satpati at yahoo.com>.  Unintended transmission
> shall not constitute waiver of any privilege.*
> On Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 02:07:03 PM CST, Mills, Richard Tran <
> rtmills at anl.gov> wrote:
> Hi Debiprasad,
> I apologize for being slow to get back to you; I am severely
> over-committed at the moment, and keeping up with email (among other
> things) has been extremely difficult.
> I am sorry to have to disappoint you, but I do not think that it will be
> possible for me, Todd, or Mark to partner with you on the STTR call this
> time around. Let me try to explain the two major reasons why.
> First: For staff at the DOE National Laboratories, it is very
> time-consuming to get approvals to participate as a subcontractor for
> something like an SBIR or STTR project. I receive a small amount of funding
> from an SBIR project right now, and it literally took weeks to get that
> proposal through all of the required approvals, including an "letter of
> commitment" signed by the the Laboratory's Director of Sponsored Research,
> as well as approval from our Contracting Officer at the DOE Site Office in
> Chicago. There are many steps of the review to ensure that proposed work is
> consistent with the DOE and Argonne missions, that it does not adversely
> impact DOE work at Argonne, and that it is not in direct competition with
> the private sector. The laboratory's guidance on this approval process
> state that we should allow a minimum of 15 business days for this process,
> but, with the current upheaval due to the transition to the new
> Administration, I suspect that more than 15 business days would be
> required. I also note that a reasonably close to complete draft of the
> proposal is required to be submitted at the beginning of the approval
> process, so you need to factor in time to develop the proposal ahead of the
> approval window if you want to respond to a future STTR or SBIR call and
> partner with a DOE Laboratory.
> Second: The breakdown of work that you are proposing isn't really aligned
> what with laboratory research scientists like Todd, Mark, and I are
> expected to do. We are primarily researchers, and our output is judged
> similarly to that of a professor at an R1 university, except that we have
> no teaching load and engage in some programmatic work. What you have
> proposed is having us develop a complete finite-element analysis code to
> some specification you provide, which we will then hand to you (before you
> implement part or all of it using FPGAs). For this sort of arrangement, it
> sounds like what you are looking for is scientific programmers who work on
> contract. That is not the role that we play. We do research on
> computational mathematics and its applications, and we develop software to
> aid this research and to enable the broader computing community to benefit
> from our research and perhaps collaborate with us on further developments.
> This has led to a widely-used piece of software, PETSc, which provides
> useful computational building blocks that many teams have used to build
> finite-element analysis applications, but when teams have used PETSc for
> such work and have teamed with us, it has very much been in a collaborative
> research relationship: others are doing much of the development of their
> FEM code, but we help them because, say, they are modeling systems with
> very difficult nonlinearities, discontinuous jumps in material
> coefficients, strangely stretched elements, etc., that cause problems for
> simple algebraic solvers, so we collaborate with them on developing new
> solver techniques that are amenable to their problems.
> It may make sense for you to partner with us or other members of the PETSc
> team in the future, but I think you need to take some time to lay more of
> the groundwork before a future funding call. You can experiment with
> porting a PETSc-based FEM code using your FPGA approach without needing
> anything from us right now: There are numerous finite-element example codes
> provided with PETSc (Mark has written a few of them, and might be able to
> recommend some good ones to start with). You could start by playing with
> these examples and then try porting bits of them to FPGAs. As I said in an
> earlier message, based on my limited experience with FPGAs, I suspect that
> you will run into several technical challenges. When you have had a chance
> to identify these challenges, then it might make sense to come back to the
> PETSc team to describe some of them — you can start by emailing petsc-maint
> or petsc-users about this — and perhaps eventually develop a proposal that
> aims to address them in collaboration with the team.
> Apologies if I have had to disappoint you, and best of luck. Perhaps later
> there will be good opportunities to partner with us in the future. I
> encourage you to experiment some with PETSc to determine whether it is the
> right software toolkit to use for your FPGA-targeted applications, and to
> not be shy about asking on the PETSc user lists as you uncover issues as
> you experiment.
> Best regards,
> Richard
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Debiprasad Panda <dpanda68 at yahoo.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, February 6, 2025 8:18 PM
> *To:* Mills, Richard Tran <rtmills at anl.gov>
> *Cc:* Mark Adams <mfadams at lbl.gov>; Munson, Todd <tmunson at mcs.anl.gov>
> *Subject:* Re: DOE STTR partner opportunity
> This Message Is From an External Sender
> This message came from outside your organization.
> Dear All,
> Amidst all these organizational and administrative changes, I have good
> news to share that our LOI has been accepted by DOE and the final proposal
> submission is due on 26th February 2025. The proposal is about an FEA
> thermal analysis using PETSc and porting it to FPGA for its real time
> simulation.
> Given a mechanical drawing of an object, in PETSC a mesh will be generated
> and then a thermal problem will be formulated using FEA theory and boundary
> condition to generate a global stiffness matrix in the form of Ax =B, which
> will be eventually solved using linear or non-linear solver. In Phase I, we
> will concentrate only on linear system and only the solver part will be
> implemented in FPGA to demonstrate the real time operation in part. In
> Phase II, the entire FEA problem formulation with non-linearity as well as
> solver will be implemented in FPGA to have a complete real time solution.
> We went through PETSc libraries and one of our team members has used it
> extensively during his PhD. The steps we would like to follow to formulate
> a FEA problem, and its solution is described in the attached document.
> We would like you to partnering with us in this DOE project and your
> responsibility will be to create this FEA thermal model in PETSc following
> the steps in the given document and then run it in a PC/server and
> collect the result. We will take the responsibility of implementing the
> same in our FPGA solver.
> I was thinking to write this email for some time but kept on hold till the
> formal acceptance of LOI in order to justify your time.
> Please go through the attached document and then let's follow up with a
> zoom call sometime early next week per your convenience for discussing it
> for any question you may have.
> Please acknowledge receiving this email so that I know our communication
> is going through.
> I will look forward to collaborating with you.
> Regards.
> Debiprasad Panda, PhD
> President & CTO,
> Universal Real Time Power Conversion LLC
> Greater Milwaukee, WI
> Tel:1-440-840-3393 (cell)
> Web: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://urtpc.com__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fNXzXlpQ-ukRC2r1EAR0vzOZCP4M_UUNOIfBsJXXEMXS3FrkItd2r4hJKy94MHlF6h7APDqb7-Pfc9V435nHato$ 
> <https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://urtpc.com__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!YKeheulpEvP02Jraqr7SiUTNGtRfqaaLJ7-ibIrQ3HGvPKHIqKfkL8mQ6rfHuR-j4Fra6KhYon67LEc$>
> *This e-mail transmission and its attachments are privileged, proprietary
> and confidential and is **for the review of the designated recipient only**.
> If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately notify **dpanda68 at yahoo.com
> <r_satpati at yahoo.com>**.  Unintended transmission shall not constitute
> waiver of any privilege.*
> On Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 03:20:07 PM CST, Debiprasad Panda <
> dpanda68 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Richard,  Mark, Todd
> I am submitting the LOI without ANL at this time. It seems we can include
> ANL as STTR partner while submitting the full proposal if things look good
> from both sides. So, we may have about six weeks from now to understand the
> project. Let's discuss it over a zoom call sometime this week.
> Regards.
> Debiprasad Panda, PhD
> President & CTO,
> Universal Real Time Power Conversion LLC
> Greater Milwaukee, WI
> Tel:1-440-840-3393 (cell)
> Web: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://urtpc.com__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fNXzXlpQ-ukRC2r1EAR0vzOZCP4M_UUNOIfBsJXXEMXS3FrkItd2r4hJKy94MHlF6h7APDqb7-Pfc9V435nHato$ 
> <https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://urtpc.com__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!YKeheulpEvP02Jraqr7SiUTNGtRfqaaLJ7-ibIrQ3HGvPKHIqKfkL8mQ6rfHuR-j4Fra6KhYon67LEc$>
> *This e-mail transmission and its attachments are privileged, proprietary
> and confidential and is **for the review of the designated recipient only**.
> If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately notify **dpanda68 at yahoo.com
> <r_satpati at yahoo.com>**.  Unintended transmission shall not constitute
> waiver of any privilege.*
> On Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 12:50:53 PM CST, Mills, Richard Tran <
> rtmills at anl.gov> wrote:
> Hi Debiprasad,
> Apologies for the delay in my reply; the past few days have been
> especially busy ones due to some internal proposal deadlines I had to rush
> to meet, on top of several other things.
> Your project sounds interesting, but, unfortunately, I don't think that
> there is time before your LOI is due for me to understand your application,
> discuss whether PETSc is appropriate for it, or how you would map any
> implementation using PETSc to FPGA hardware. PETSc is an extremely
> complicated piece of software and a lot of effort is required from
> algorithm selection and parallel problem decomposition on down to details
> of individual microkernels when bringing it to and optimizing it for new
> kinds of computing architectures. (I spent roughly six years working with
> several others on getting solid GPU support in PETSc, for instance.) I have
> a little bit of familiarity with FPGAs from my time at ORNL and Intel, and
> I think that enabling PETSc to make efficient use of FPGAs is going to be a
> highly non-trivial (though interesting!) project. Are you familiar at all
> with PETSc, and do you have a particular reason that you think it would be
> helpful to your work? You might be better served by using a different piece
> of software as a starting point, if you do not need things like the
> distributed memory-parallel implementations or the advanced, composable
> solvers and preconditioners. If you do have a particular need for things
> that PETSc provides, perhaps I or others from the PETSc team could discuss
> this with you with future opportunities in mind. Best of luck to you if you
> do submit an STTR proposal this time.
> Sincerely,
> Richard
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Debiprasad Panda <dpanda68 at yahoo.com>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 14, 2025 6:09 AM
> *To:* Mills, Richard Tran <rtmills at anl.gov>
> *Subject:* Re: DOE STTR partner opportunity
> This Message Is From an External Sender
> This message came from outside your organization.
> Richard,
> Hope you received my previous email. I will appreciate if you let me know
> if you would like to participate in this STTR project or not. I know its a
> short notice and I will understand if that is not sufficient to make it a
> "GO".
> I will still have good amount time to create and upload an LOI.
> Regards.
> Debiprasad Panda, PhD
> President & CTO,
> Universal Real Time Power Conversion LLC
> Greater Milwaukee, WI
> Tel:1-440-840-3393 (cell)
> Web: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://urtpc.com__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fNXzXlpQ-ukRC2r1EAR0vzOZCP4M_UUNOIfBsJXXEMXS3FrkItd2r4hJKy94MHlF6h7APDqb7-Pfc9V435nHato$ 
> <https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://urtpc.com__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!Y1KB89LXCkt6T8Z7n9PMvin_XYuQGUOsbWYpr4EbU3SJkMiBRE8VUOVlOIxbu8ETP36hdk0DEvJZnRc$>
> *This e-mail transmission and its attachments are privileged, proprietary
> and confidential and is **for the review of the designated recipient only**.
> If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately notify **dpanda68 at yahoo.com
> <r_satpati at yahoo.com>**.  Unintended transmission shall not constitute
> waiver of any privilege.*
> On Monday, January 13, 2025 at 01:44:59 PM CST, Debiprasad Panda <
> dpanda68 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Richard,
> I got your contact from Todd Munson. We are a small business located in
> greater Milwaukee and working on a one-stop real time simulator where we
> can simulate a large grid along with IBR in real time. In addition, we can
> conduct a thermal and structural FEA analysis in real time for up to 1-5
> Million grid points.
> A new DOE solicitation is out where we can propose a one stop solution for
> solar power IBR where we can model an IBR with very low step size (20-40ns)
> for its real time simulation and also, we can calculate thermal loss
> through semiconductor switches and then provide a thermal footprint of the
> IBR in real time employing a FEA analysis. We have implemented a thermal
> analysis of a heat sink using our proprietary FPGA implementation in real
> time with 52000 nodes and can extend it upto 1-5M. I am wondering if you
> would like to take part as RI for our STTR application where you can
> formulate the FEA problem using PETSC or any other software and then we can
> implement the same in FPGA for its real time implementation. If so, let me
> know by COB today. We do not have much time - the LOI is due tomorrow 4:00
> PM central time, and the full proposal is due on 26th February. If you
> would like we can have a quick call to discuss. At this time an email
> consent will be fine and then we can discuss the detailed scopes and
> deliverable in next couple of weeks.  The STTR
> Let me know if you will be interested.
> Regards.
> Debiprasad Panda, PhD
> President & CTO,
> Universal Real Time Power Conversion LLC
> Greater Milwaukee, WI
> Tel:1-440-840-3393 (cell)
> Web: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://urtpc.com__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fNXzXlpQ-ukRC2r1EAR0vzOZCP4M_UUNOIfBsJXXEMXS3FrkItd2r4hJKy94MHlF6h7APDqb7-Pfc9V435nHato$ 
> <https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://urtpc.com__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!Y1KB89LXCkt6T8Z7n9PMvin_XYuQGUOsbWYpr4EbU3SJkMiBRE8VUOVlOIxbu8ETP36hdk0DEvJZnRc$>
> *This e-mail transmission and its attachments are privileged, proprietary
> and confidential and is **for the review of the designated recipient only**.
> If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately notify **dpanda68 at yahoo.com
> <r_satpati at yahoo.com>*
> *.  Unintended transmission shall not constitute waiver of any privilege. *
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