[petsc-users] MKL Pardiso returning NAN values

Chris Hewson chris at resfrac.com
Wed Jul 10 16:01:31 CDT 2024

Hi There,

We have a matrix that is singular and trying to solve it. We first use an
iterative solve with KSPBCGS, the solution vector is nan values and the
converged reason from PETSc of KSP_DIVERGED_NANORINF, that's great and what
I would expect.

Sometimes in our program we redo a failed solve using the MKL Pardiso
solver, when the same matrix and vectors get put into that solver which is
a KSPPREONLY, I get KSP_CONVERGED_ITS as a converged reason and solution
vector with nan values in it.

Stepping through the PETSc calls, I see that the external call to Pardiso
doesn't return an error for this, so not really the fault of PETSc, but
curious if y'all have seen this before or a solution/workaround to this?

*Chris Hewson*
Senior Reservoir Simulation Engineer
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