[petsc-users] Strategies for coupled nonlinear problems

Miguel Angel Salazar de Troya miguel.salazar at corintis.com
Fri Jul 5 02:29:17 CDT 2024


I have the Navier-Stokes equation coupled with a convection-diffusion
equation for the temperature. It is a two-way coupling because the
viscosity depends on the temperature. One way to solve this is with some
kind of fixed point iteration scheme, where I solve each equation
separately in a loop until I see convergence. I am aware this is not
possible directly at the SNES level. Is there something that one can do
using PCFIELDSPLIT? I would like to assemble my fully coupled system and
play with the solver options to get some kind of fixed-point iteration
scheme. I would like to avoid having to build two separate SNES solvers,
one per equation. Any reference on techniques to solve this type of coupled
system is welcome.

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